Anonymous ID: 5cf54c April 30, 2019, 6:42 p.m. No.6377118   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We all going on and on about the Great Awakening. how are normies going to handle it? What if the media comes first?


What if someone/something blares a fog horn and throws a bucked of ice cold water on the asleep media and by force startles them out of their sleep and pulls them out of their beds?


Wouldn't that take away all worries of normies being stunned awake. Normies be all comfortable getting up, rubbing their eyes, saying wtf.


Glorious times coming.

Anonymous ID: 5cf54c April 30, 2019, 6:54 p.m. No.6377247   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Chris Cuomo needs better make up artists or a doctor to take care of his blood pressure. Every time he talks to a dem. shill he's good. As soon as he gets questioned by a conservative, gets facts, he interrupts and his face turns beet red in a flash.


Happens every time.