Anonymous ID: 96f7bd April 30, 2019, 6:41 p.m. No.6377107   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7181


no one's calling for mods

they're being referred to as mods, disdainfully, because putting in a captcha is retarded mod behavior. it was clearly supposed to be a "quick-fix" solution because they're too lazy to delete the spam that everyone complains about but it obviously backfired and created a 24-hour long slide.

the bewb war was different because BO was transparent with anons and took their concerns into consideration. these fuckers are just laughing and watching the chaos instead of ending it. so keep ass kissing our mods. only sheep love their own subversion.

Anonymous ID: 96f7bd April 30, 2019, 6:57 p.m. No.6377283   🗄️.is 🔗kun


kek it's funny because all of this started bc of the jew posts at the top of the bread

anons were complaining and the general consensus was that they were "bots", which is why the captcha we implemented. but there was a problem..


it didn't work

so we learned something "new". it's not a bot who posts them, just a spammer. and we're right back to where we started: spam is spam

any other "bots" it stopped? because i still see e-bot is posting. did we have that big of a bot problem that every single anon, including Q has to fill out a captcha for every single post? good leaders (for lack of a better word) recognize when they fuck up and adapt. 8bit did after the bewb war, which lasted half a day. BO/BV's know they fucked up and are pretending it's a success. sheep-anons who are used to being told what to think and following their leaders are now defending it. what the fuck is next?

their argument for keeping the spam was: spam is free speech and deleting it is censorship

and making it more difficult to speak freely isn't censorship?

making decisions and refusing to answer questions isn't suspect to you? do you not question the character or trustworthiness of people behaving this way or do you automatically love them because they're our dear leaders?

they promised us things would stay the same and that was the condition by which they received the keys to the board. they lied and we deserve an explanation at the very least.