>>6377479 (PB)
CPA Fag here. I started digging on this when the note came out. I reviewed the 10k 2018 thinking it would help. Having been forced to read this crap on a thousand companies, I still was unable to find anything that would seem off. If there is stink, it may be in the "other bets" categories, although there is likely fraud throughout the advertising (spying) business.
If you want transparency, you need to be an anon from GOOG internal audit, or an anon that was high-level on the audit team that did the work. The shit is always buried if it can be buried. The audit firms are pay to play from every direction. I haven't started my dig on 10q yet, but I don't expect any revelations.
13 years at big4, had a lot of arguments with partners about shady shit going on. Go figure, I did not go along to get along, and I moved along, as per the business practices of these firms.
Only the truly autistic will find it without inside sources, but there is a pissed off CPA somewhere, that is here or is finding their way here, that might be able to connect it.
I will be digging almost exclusively on connections to the "other bets" as there is where the prime fraud risks are, for an outsider. We need a fucking whistleblower.
That being said, it's not hard to read and you don't really need to understand accounting that well. Focus on the MD&A discussions and then follow up with the numbers on each of these that you care to tie out.
An autist with no background in accounting/finance is more likely to find it than I am. Or an insider……..