Anonymous ID: f42106 April 30, 2019, 9:52 p.m. No.6378851   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8872



Maxine Waters: Barr Should Resign or Be Impeached


Tuesday on MSNBC’s “All In,” Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) said in light of the of The Washington Post report that special counsel Robert Mueller told Attorney General William Barr his summary “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance” of the probe, Barr should resign or be impeached.


Waters said, “I think that Barr should resign. If he does not resign, he should be facing impeachment proceedings also. He has abdicated on his responsibility. He’s lied. He has used the very words coming right out of the president’s mouth, ‘no collusion, no collusion, no collusion.’ And made a decision that despite what the counsel put into that report about obstruction of justice, he said he made the decision that he had not obstructed justice. It is outrageous, and he needs to go.”

Anonymous ID: f42106 April 30, 2019, 9:57 p.m. No.6378878   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9254 >>9298 >>9453 >>9500 >>9541

424 Migrants Apprehended at Border – ‘Largest Group,’ Says CBP


El Paso Sector Border Patrol agents apprehended what they are calling the “largest group of 424 illegal aliens” at the New Mexico border on Tuesday morning. A few hours later, agents patrolling near Antelope Wells, New Mexico, apprehended another 230.


Agents patrolling near Sunland Park shortly after midnight Tuesday morning encountered what they believed to be more than “400 illegal aliens” who had just crossed the border from Mexico. The agents rounded up all of the migrants and began processing them. A few hours later, the count stood at 424 mostly Central American migrants. Border Patrol officials tweeted this is the “largest group” of illegal aliens apprehended by Border Patrol agents.


While the agents processed the Sunland Park migrant group, agents patrolling near the Camp Bounds Forward Operating Base at the Antelope Wells Port of Entry apprehended another large group of Central American migrants. This group, apprehended at about 2 a.m. Tuesday morning, consisted of 230 illegal aliens, officials stated.


El Paso Sector officials said the two groups, like many of the large groups of migrants, consisted of Central American family units and unaccompanied minors.


The El Paso Sector has witnessed a 1,670 percent increase in the number of Family Unit Aliens apprehended during the first six months of this fiscal year, according to the March Southwest Border Migration Report. Agents apprehended 53,565 family units during the first six months of this year as compared to 3,027 during the same period in Fiscal Year 2018. In addition, the sector witnessed a 333 percent increase in the number of unaccompanied minors apprehended — 7,565 in FY2019 vs. 1,746 in FY2018.

Anonymous ID: f42106 April 30, 2019, 10:22 p.m. No.6379066   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9112 >>9254 >>9298 >>9453 >>9500 >>9541

Washington Warns Beijing: 'Paramilitary' Fishing Boats Will Now Be Treated Like Combatants


As the US continues its increasingly daring and extremely provocative "freedom of navigation" operations in the Strait of Taiwan and South China Sea, it's also growing more vocal about challenging China's increasingly expansionary military presence in the Pacific. Over the weekend, the US has warned Beijing that the US military would aggressively respond to provocative acts by China's coast guard and fishing boats in the same way it reacts to the Chinese navy.


The threatening posture is aimed at curbing Beijing's increasingly sharp-elbowed approach not just to the South China Sea, which it already effectively dominates, despite the rival claims of several of its neighbors (claims that have been validated by international courts), but in the Pacific more broadly, the FT reports.


Admiral John Richardson, head of the US Navy, said he told his Chinese counterpart, vice-admiral Shen Jinlong, in January that Washington would not treat Chinese fishing boats that work with the People's Liberation Army-Navy any differently from actual Navy ships. This warning wasn't unprovoked: On several occasions, Chinese fishing boats have blocked vessels belonging to the US, Vietnam and the Philippines. They have even rammed and harassed ships, blocked access to lagoons, and participated in the seizure of reefs and shoals.


"I made it very clear that the US navy will not be coerced and will continue to conduct routine and lawful operations around the world, in order to protect the rights, freedoms and lawful uses of sea and airspace guaranteed to all," Adm Richardson told the Financial Times.


China's informal marine militia has been expanding since 2015, when it established a headquarters on the Paracel Islands.


The maritime militia has been strengthened since 2015, when it created a headquarters in the China-administered Paracel Islands, a disputed area in the South China Sea that is also claimed by Vietnam and Taiwan. It has also received training alongside the Chinese navy and coast guard. In its last annual report on the Chinese military, the Pentagon said the fleet "plays a major role in coercive activities to achieve China’s political goals without fighting."


China has increasingly used the maritime militia because fishing boats are less likely to prompt a military response from the US. But the latest warning significantly raises the stakes for China’s non-navy vessels engaging in aggressive acts.


Defense analysts have long warned about the need for a more effective strategy to counter Beijing's expansionary aims in the Pacific, and Andrew Erickson, a maritime militia expert at the US Naval War College, recently called for the US to "deal with China’s sea forces holistically" by demanding that both military and paramilitary ships follow international rules. He added that the US must "accept some friction and force Beijing to choose" between de-escalating or inflaming tensions.


James Stavridis, a retired US admiral and former NATO commander, said Richardson made the right call.


"It is a warning shot across the bow of China, in effect saying we will not tolerate ‘grey zone’ or 'hybrid' operations at sea," said Mr Stavridis. "A combatant is a combatant is the message, and the CNO (Chief of Naval Operations) is in the right place to warn China early and often."


As is now customary whenever the US ratchets up the pressure on the Chinese Navy, don't be surprised too see a retaliatory show of force in the coming days and weeks.

Anonymous ID: f42106 April 30, 2019, 10:33 p.m. No.6379148   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9155

Humpty Dumpty Has Had a Great Fall. Reckless US Foreign Policy. Preemptive Nuclear War against Russia and China


Dr. Paul Craig Roberts


While the crazed and corrupt people who comprise the Democratic Party and US print and TV media continue to insist that Russiagate is real, a very real threat is emerging in Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran. The threat arises from the fact that Washington has taught each country to have no trust in America’s veracity. The governments of the four countries have learned that everything Washington says is a lie.


Moreover, the countries have learned that Washington does not accept their sovereignty and objects to their existence. Each of the four countries has experienced sanctions designed to overthrow their governments or cause them to submit to Washington’s will.


Russia long ago saw through Washington’s disingenuous claim that the missile ring that Washington has arrayed around Russia is defensive and directed against (non-existent) Iranian missiles. Putin has said many times that the “defensive” missiles can easily and quickly be converted into nuclear armed offensive missiles that leave Russia no response time. I have always been amazed at the utter stupidity of the Polish and Romanian governments for accepting these American missiles. No doubt the Polish and Romanian officials were paid handsome bribes, but money is no good to a dead person. You can bet your life that the Russians are not going to permit such operable weapons to be on Russian borders during a time of high tensions that exists today between the West and Russia.


Not content with this reckless provocation of Russia, the dumbshxxts that comprise the US government have announced a program to put weapons in space that can neutralize Russia and China’s nuclear deterrent. This reckless and irresponsible plan did not go unnoticed in Russia. Lieutenant General Viktor Poznikhir, Deputy Chief of the Russian General Staff Operative Command, declared last week that Washington’s “on-start interception” program reveals that Washington is preparing a preemptive nuclear attack on Russia and China. You can bet your life that Russia and China are not going to sit there and wait for Washington’s attack, expecially as Russia has coming into deployment hypersonic missiles incapable of interception by any known or deployed means.


What Washington and its corrupt European vassals are doing is preparing the grave for the Western world.


In the US self-interested political propaganda has succeeded in crowding out all attention to real issues, such as mass displacement of jobs by robotics, global warming whatever the cause, and the rising risk of nuclear war. When the rest of the world looks at the West, it sees an insane asylum in which the two greatest threats to American national security are said to be Venezuela and a Russian agent in the Oval Office.


It is impossible for anyone to take a country this silly seriously. Consequently, American power is collapsing, to everyone else’s relief. Even Washington’s well paid puppets in Germany, Britain, and France are showing signs of independence that have not been seen since the days of Charles DeGaulle.


The Russians, Chinese, Iranians, and North Koreans know that they are dealing with fools, and they are not going to take any chances. They know that no agreement with America means anything and that Washington speaks only with a forked tongue.


Washington is going to be increasingly frustrated abroad as willingness to cooperate with the insane asylum vanishes. The consequence will be increasing tyranny at home.