I KNOW you & others are doing dangerous work which we are not allowed to see, per se. I was disappointed yesterday, Sunday 3/11. I wanted "something" concrete to point too, so others will believe too.
There HAS TO BE "something" like a week in advance, we the Patriots would be able to know about, so we could spread the word and when it happens, others would wake up. I don't mind losing friends & family to the fight or being labeled a nut case.
I just want MORE to believe in you and pay attention to what is and has been going on in our Country all these years. I fear we are losing more people by not listening i.e. "I don't want to hear about it anymore because there has been nothing you (me) can show what you're saying is happening." We need to gain more people into the process, an a Direct & Simple moment to point too, would help greatly.
Thank you for your service & time. Stay safe Patriots