Anonymous ID: 2248b0 May 1, 2019, 8:39 a.m. No.6381931   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2079 >>2171

ANONS any other sources for this report and also does this have anything to do with the criminal referral by Schiffty?


Blackwater Founder: Give Me 5,000 Mercenaries and I'll Give You Venezuela


As if the past months of US push for regime change in Venezuela with officials like Elliott Abrams of Iran-Contra conviction infamy at the helm wasn't bizarre enough, things just got weirder, as Erik Prince has apparently been pitching a plan around Washington to privatize US coup efforts using his latest Blackwater inspired mercenary empire.


According to Reuters, Prince — the brother of billionaire Education Secretary Betsy DeVos who has over the past years since selling his mired-in-controversy Blackwater group (now Academi) revived his mercenary empire in China in the form of Frontier Services Group (FSG) — intends to "deploy a private army to help topple Venezuela’s socialist president, Nicholas Maduro".


Price has reportedly sought access to Trump administration officials to whom he's attempting to pitch the whole operation, said to involve some 5,000 soldiers-for-hire to be used by opposition leader Juan Guaido, according to multiple sources who spoke to Reuters. The controversial private security CEO has sought investments from both Trump supporters and wealthy Venezuelan exiles, and reportedly held meetings over the plan as recently as mid-April.


Neither the White House nor Guaido opposition representatives have confirmed they were entertaining such a plan, with the latter denying altogether that Guado's team had even spoken with Prince or FSG reps.

Reuters' sources described some of the details of the proposed Venezuela coup plan as follows:


The two sources with direct knowledge of Prince’s pitch said it calls for starting with intelligence operations and later deploying 4,000 to 5,000 soldiers-for-hire from Colombia and other Latin American nations to conduct combat and stabilization operations.


Perhaps the most interesting detail to be revealed is the need for a triggering event that could set a final bid for coup over the top, after a number of small attempts failed to gain enough momentum in the past months.


Reuters' sources described what Prince called a "dynamic event":


One of Prince’s key arguments, one source said, is that Venezuela needs what Prince calls a “dynamic event” to break the stalemate that has existed since January, when Guaido - the head of Venezuela’s National Assembly - declared Maduro’s 2018 re-election illegitimate and invoked the constitution to assume the interim presidency.


In 2017, Prince is known to have lobbied the Trump administration for using private contractors to stabilize the Middle East.


He's made headlines last year after pitching an idea to privatize the wars in Afghanistan and Syria to Trump administration officials, which has reportedly met with little progress, though there were some indicators Trump could be open to the idea.


Iraq-style mercenary occupation of Venezuela? Erik Prince hopes so…


To the shock and surprise of many, a subsidiary of his Hong Kong-based Frontier Services Group has been allowed to operate in Iraq, showing up in the southern city of Basra, after both Prince and Blackwater were formally barred by Iraq's government from ever entering the country again following the 2007 Nisour Square massacre.


As for Venezuela, things look to slowly destabilize further as continued total economic collapse fuels an ongoing humanitarian emergency, and on news of more armed uprisings by military defectors backing Guaido come out of Caracas.



Anonymous ID: 2248b0 May 1, 2019, 9:04 a.m. No.6382171   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2196 >>2212



FOLLOW-UP to Prince info


In a letter to Attorney General William Barr, Schiff claimed Prince, the billionaire founder of a military contracting firm, intentionally misled the House Intelligence Committee and impaired their probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election.


Schiff wrote the publication of the Mueller report shed light on discrepancies between Prince's interview with the special counsel and his testimony before the committee in November 2017, when he denied he was attempting to establish a back channel between Russia and Trump during the president’s transition.


“Mr. Prince’s false statements hindered the Committee’s ability to fully understand and examine foreign efforts to undermine our political process and national security, develop appropriate legislative and policy remedies to counter future malign influence operations targeting campaigns and presidential transitions, and inform the American public, as appropriate,“ Schiff wrote in the letter.

Anonymous ID: 2248b0 May 1, 2019, 9:13 a.m. No.6382260   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Riot police, masked protesters clash at Paris May Day rally


PARIS (Reuters) - Dozens of masked and hooded anarchists clashed with riot police in southern Paris on Wednesday, burning bins, smashing property and hurling projectiles, hijacking a May Day rally that was focused on protesting against President Emmanuel Macron’s policies.


Tens of thousands of labor union and “yellow vest” protesters were on the streets across France, days after Macron outlined a response to months of street protests including tax cuts worth around 5 billion euros ($5.6 billion).


In Paris, riot police used tear gas and water cannon, and charged sporadically at several points along the traditional International Workers’ Day rally to disperse groups of masked protesters who had immersed themselves in the crowd.


Some 7,400 police were deployed and they made 200 arrests. Several people were lightly wounded, police sources said.


The main march crossing the southern part of the capital was finally able to move amid relative calm after being prevented from setting off by the clashes, although it appeared that yellow vests and more radical elements rather than labor unions were dominating the march.


The hard-left CGT union denounced police violence and said its secretary general had been tear-gassed.


“This current scenario, scandalous and unprecedented, is unacceptable in our democracy,” it said in a statement.


A Reuters photographer saw several masked protesters removing their outfits to merge into the crowd.



Anonymous ID: 2248b0 May 1, 2019, 9:51 a.m. No.6382579   🗄️.is 🔗kun

U.S. has done 'exhaustive planning' on Venezuela scenarios: Shanahan


U.S. Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan said on Wednesday the United States had carried out “exhaustive planning” on Venezuela and had contingency plans for different scenarios, adding that the focus was on diplomatic and economic pressure.


“We are working this as a whole of government and when people say there are all options are on the table, they literally are. But we work it as much diplomatically and economically to impose pressure,” Shanahan said during a House Appropriations hearing.


“We have done exhaustive planning, so there is not a situation or scenario that we don’t have a contingency for,” Shanahan added.


Venezuela’s U.S.-backed opposition leader Juan Guaido is facing a key test of support after calling for the “largest march” in the country’s history to try to dislodge President Nicolas Maduro.