Anonymous ID: a94619 May 1, 2019, 1:52 p.m. No.6385230   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>the most you could do is kill him.

That's all they can do to really silence those like me.

We look through the veil to ALL sides, not just the ones we are told to.

That's why your fake MAGAs won't dig on anything jew related or zionism related but have no issue calling out sandniggers and muzzies.

Can read (((them like a fucking book once you're awake.

Prime example with Laura Jewmer in vid related - 18:00 mark.

>if you hate israel..I mean logically you hate the jews

Direct quote from the Fake MAGA whore.

Funny how exposing zionism is considered as hatred yet fake MAGAs will praise you when you call out the sharia/MB bullshit.

It's always "you're on this side and if you're not then you're on that side!!"


They think we don't notice.

Just waiting on the streets won't be safe marker at this point.

Anonymous ID: a94619 May 1, 2019, 2:31 p.m. No.6385680   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Might want to learn proper sentence structure and how to spell before calling others "dummies", nigger.

>but muh basic instructions before leaving earth! reee.