I am laughin so hard, my kids wanna know what's wrong. I bet Qteam has had a blast with all this trolling.
oh wow, I've never seen this
Tim McGraw Collapses During Concert
Faith Hill's manager (?) the one who threw a fit about Huckabee being on the CMA board
some folks just need killin, anon. Truly.
Are they a continued threat to society?
Were there any mitigating factors?
Have they shown remorse?
Yes, no, no = death penalty
HA!! Lots wrong with me, Hillary, but not as much as will be wrong with you before it's over.
have to be an oldfag to know. A character on the original SNL
yeah, I plan on watching it. Just havent been in a place where it is convenient.
Not my catch , anon, it's in the bread, but yes, unbelievable.