The sun operates internally at a heat of 26,000,000 degrees Centigrade — a scale on which 0 degrees represents the freezing point and 100 degrees the boiling point of water. The cosmic design problem — with the solution of which we are now concerned — was that of employing a safe way of providing the right amount of exclusively star-emanating energy for developing and maintaining the critical-function-in-Universe-serving humans on the only planet having the right environment for both protecting and ecologically supporting those delicately, intricately designed humans, together with their physically and metaphysically critical functionings.
The next star nearest to planet Earth — beyond the Sun — is 300,000 times farther away from the Earth than is the Sun. In solving the “humans on Earth” problem, it was therefore necessary to employ the cosmic facilities in such a manner as to transmit the appropriate amount of the specific radiation constituents in nonlethal concentration from the Sun, the star nearest to the human-incubating planet Earth — the planet having not only the most propitious environmental condition for humanity incubating, but also maintaining the exact vast complex of close-tolerance-of-physical-error limits within which humans could survive. Humans cannot impound enough energy by sunbathing to keep them alive and operative. Planet Earth’s safe importing of Sun radiation must first be impoundingly accomplished by vegetation in energy quantities adequate to supporting not only the vegetation and the humans but all the other myriads of species of life altogether constituting the regenerative ecologic system.
To do this, the angular fan-out concentration of energy intensity must be accomplished by attaining adequate distance from the Sun, and thereby to arrive at protoplasmically tolerable increments of energy exactly sustained for conversion by botanical photosynthesis into hydrocarbon molecules, which thereafter can be assimilated metabolically by all other living biological organisms. This means that the Sun’s surface energy radiation must be transformingly programmed to angularly deconcentrate during its eight-minute, 92-million-mile passage from Sun to Earth to arrive in nonlethal increments and at nonlethal temperatures. The farther away a cosmic radiation source is, the less concentrated the radiation. Only about one-billionth of the radiation given off omnidirectionally by the Sun is so aimed as to impinge directly upon the surface of planet Earth. With all the space of Universe to work with, the great designing wisdom of Universe seems to have found it to be essential that the energy organized as the predominantly water-structured substance that is all biological life be maintained at a distance apparently never greater than 95 million miles and never less than 91 million miles away from the atomic-energy-generating plant of the Sun’s initial magnitude of radiation concentration.