Anonymous ID: b81ca7 March 12, 2018, 7:02 a.m. No.638959   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9009 >>9028

I did some diving on my own personal and family history. I will refrain from specifics for now, as I do not wish to invite undue attention to my family, as there is much I am purely noting as 'odd'- with nothing conclusive.


The talk of blood lines and how this board ('autists') are terrifying to the elites … Along with "sum of all fears" got me thinking on ways in which we may be related to the elites. Branch off-shoots, 'diluted blood' or other such things.


I ended up focusing on family business. My father and uncle went into business in manufacturing. Around 1999-9ish, they had a massive falling out of some sort and we moved with my father continuing his line of work for an employer. The business was scaled back considerably for several years, during which my uncle did some consulting work on new factory design and ops in China. He then returned and business picked up a bit in time for my cousin to begin working and heading the company up. My other cousins from that side have been well placed within other industries, since.


Now… I do not doubt their skills or ability. However, I also know how some of these games are played. It isn't that the skilled get selected to run positions, but that positions are used primarily as favors and incentives. Contracts, as well.


I wonder if someone twisted my family's arm. Carrot-and-stick. I do not have the best relations with this side of the family, and do not believe they are evil people - if voluntarily doing anything, it is playing the survival game. I could be wrong, but it is "not easy" to dig on people I "want to trust the most."


Nor is it easy to do this within forums where we are supposed to remain anonymous.


However, I wonder if we need to dog on our own family histories and look for signs of the cabal's influence. It may be a proverbial red-pill route. United we are strong type of thing.


There are also other questions about lineage and if we are a mutiny of the lab rats sort of scenario. If that makes any sense.

Anonymous ID: b81ca7 March 12, 2018, 7:18 a.m. No.639099   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9132 >>9244 >>9336 >>9387


Not entirely what I was going for.


Allow me to re-phrase. How many of us 'autists' (not just anons), who eat and breathe this stuff as an instinctual compulsion, are tied by blood… Or odd birth circumstances.


For example, I was born two months premature and expected to be stillborn. Incubator tech was new at the time. I am noted as being physically distinct from my brothers. Take far more after my maternal side. Would anyone notice if I was not the same mouse-sized thing extracted from my mother as what was allowed to develop in an incubator?


It was a bit of a joke when I was younger - that I was an escaped genetic experiment… But given the state of the Cold war and what programs were developed under them, would it be outside the realm of possibility that groups were doing such things?


We are very sensitive about things that can reveal our identities… But I wonder if we are the lab rats of various generations, or the off-shoots of attempts to use eugenics to breed certain traits into the old blood lines over the generations.


Or if this would be a productive course of digging? Perhaps the answer is ultimately irrelevant or distracting from the goal.