There is a full, 10 hour documentary done about ALL the false religions of the world…the truth is stranger than fiction….but think about it….if Lucifer (prior to his fall) WHO IS SATAN (after the fall) wanted to rule the world, don't you think he'd do it by convincing us that The Bible (our only defense against him) is bullshit?? This is what we're living…and the EU is the predicted REBIRTH of the Roman Empire!! We need to wake up and realize that this is a SPIRITUAL WAR !! UFOs are mentionned in THE BIBLE…dinosaurs are in THE BIBLE….GIANTS in the Bible…angels confused for aliens coming to earth and breeding with humans…IN THE BIBLE…..cashless society is predicted in THE BIBLE…the world we live in was predicted in THE BIBLE !!! For the 10th time…is 10 hours really too much time to figure out the WHY of your entire lives and the world we live in??? We talk about red pilling when half the people here aren't truly red pilled themselves…put aside ALL of your pre conceived notions!! ALL OF THEM!!!