Anonymous ID: 4cf742 May 1, 2019, 6:37 p.m. No.6388138   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8143 >>8326 >>8534 >>8735 >>8830



Lavrov, Pompeo discuss situation in Syria and return of refugees

“During a phone call, the two sides tackled the humanitarian issues of the situation in Syria, particularly in al-Rukban and al-Hawl camps,” A statement by the Russian foreign Ministry said.

It added the Russian side showed desire to return the refugees to their permanent residence places as soon as possible.

The two sides also discussed the latest developments in Venezuela.


Syria urges cooperation with North Korea against US economic sanctions

Pak, for his part, said his country attaches great importance to its ties with Syria, and always stands by Syria and supports its stances at various international forums.

The North Korean official then strongly condemned US President Donald Trump’s recognition of the occupied Syrian Golan Heights as sovereign Israeli territory, emphasizing that Pyongyang considers the Golan Heights as occupied Syrian land.


Militants Continue Attacks On Russia’s Hmeymim Base In Syria

Militants deployed in the Idlib de-escalation zone attempted to attack Russia’s Hmeymim airbase with multiple-launch rocket systems and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) 12 times over the past month, the Russian military said on May 1. According to the statement, all the attacks were repelled. No material damage or causalites were caused.

The head of Russia’s Reconciliation Centre in Syria Maj Gen Viktor Kupchishin revealed that 8 of 12 attacks were carried out with UAVs.


Authorities find weapons and ammo left behind by terrorists in southern region

The weapons included TOW anti-armor missiles which are delivered exclusively to armies via contracts, LAW shoulder-mounted missiles, Malyutka missiles, GPS and visual targeting equipment, visors, blocks of TNT, mortar launchers, RPG shells, offensive and defensive grenades.

The ammo included tens of thousands of assorted types of machinegun, assault rifle, and sniper rifle rounds, as well as mortar and artillery rounds.



Anonymous ID: 4cf742 May 1, 2019, 6:38 p.m. No.6388143   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8326 >>8534 >>8735 >>8830



Military Situation In Syria On May 1, 2019 (Map Update)

ISIS carried out a new series of attacks on Syrian Arab Army (SAA) positions between Palmyra and Sukhna. 8 soldiers were captured and executed;

2 people were injured in a car bomb explosion in Idlib city;

Multiple ceasefire violations were reported in western Aleppo, northern Hama and southern Idlib;

The evacuation of civilians from the al-Rukban refugee camp was almost fully disrupted;

Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) units continue security operations along the Euphrates bank near the Iraqi border.


Syrian Army Is Preparing To Launch Military Operation Within Idlib’s Demilitarized Zone

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) is preparing to launch a large-scale military operation within the demilitarized zone around the northern governorate of Idlib, the Syrian al-Watan newspaper, which is known for its close ties with the Damascus government, reported on May 1. Despite these preparations, its remains unclear if Moscow would green light such a military operation. During his recent visit to China, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin stressed that a ground operation in Idlib “is not expedient now.”

“I don’t rule it [a military operation in Idlib] out, but right now we and our Syrian friends consider that to be inadvisable given this humanitarian element,” Putin told reporters during a press conference in Beijing on April 27, according to the Moscow Times.


Syrian And Russian Warplanes Carry Out Dozens Of Airstrikes On Terrorist Positions In Idlib & Hama



Kurdish Forces Claim Nine Turkish Service Members Killed In Several ATGM Strikes In Afrin

Our fighters continue to strike Turkish terror army and its Jihadi proxies with various types of operations in occupied Afrin and its vicinity,” the Kurdish guerrilla group said in its statement, that was released on May 1.



Anonymous ID: 4cf742 May 1, 2019, 6:41 p.m. No.6388171   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8346

Israel launches military training exercise in Jordan Valley


As part of its 2019 training plan, the Israeli occupation army yesterday started a military training exercise in the Jordan Valley, Quds Press reported.


Israeli news website 0404, which is close to the Israeli army, said this is part of a major training started at the beginning of this week in different areas across the country.


The website pointed out that there have been heavy ground and aerial movements and relocations carried out by the army and security services.


May 1, 2019 at 9:46 am



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As part of its 2019 training plan, the Israeli occupation army yesterday started a military training exercise in the Jordan Valley, Quds Press reported.


Israeli news website 0404, which is close to the Israeli army, said this is part of a major training started at the beginning of this week in different areas across the country.


The website pointed out that there have been heavy ground and aerial movements and relocations carried out by the army and security services.


READ: Israel to seize hundreds of dunams in Jordan Valley


According to the website, these are part of the 2019 training plan which sees the Israeli army remain on alert.


No details were given about the number of the forces or the units taking part in the training.

Anonymous ID: 4cf742 May 1, 2019, 6:50 p.m. No.6388275   🗄️.is 🔗kun

An index of unreliable news websites


By Barrett Golding


Misinformation is a thriving industry on the internet, supported by social media shares, advertising dollars and political donations.


In the United States, scores of research reports try to measure how falsehoods spread online. These studies often require lists of untrustworthy “news” sources, but many of these lists have grown out-of-date and incomplete.


Better data means better results for researchers, reporters and readers. So the International Fact-Checking Network built a more complete dataset: an index of unreliable news sites.


To create the index, we combined five major lists (see below), then eliminated the sites that were no longer active. We only used lists that were public and curated by established journalists or academics, contained original data (rather than information from other lists), stated their criteria for inclusion and defined how they graded different sites (see our methodology for more).


The index’s initial release relies on the five major lists’ determinations and definitions of “unreliable.” Our next release will include more sites and the criteria we used for inclusion.


But for now, here are the databases of unreliable news sites that we pulled from to create our index:’s Misinformation Directory (FC), created by the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania.

Fake News Codex (FN), widely quoted by Snopes and others, maintained by web developer and data designer Chris Herbert.

OpenSources (OS), run by Merrimack University media studies professor Melissa Zimdars.

PolitiFact’s Fake News Almanac (PF), by PolitiFact, a joint project of the Tampa Bay Times and Poynter.

Snopes’ Field Guide to Fake News Sites and Hoax Purveyors (SN), created by Snopes, the oldest and largest online fact-checking organization.




All good CNN and NYT aren't on the list of 500