Does that mean that next year 5/5/2020 will be a monday? damn if it wasn't a year away I'd be all for it happening then…
These people are really out in no where land… Yes, lets release the parts that could put people in danger, sounds legit.;_ylu=X3oDMTByNDZ0aWFxBGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwM2BHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg–/RV=2/RE=1556815707/RO=10/
For a good long while, the nation has eagerly awaited the public release of the “Mueller report."
We may have been kidding ourselves.
Attorney general nominee William P. Barr made pretty clear Tuesday that he believes he cannot release special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s report directly to the public. In fact, he doesn’t think he can even release it to Congress. Instead, he said the rules provide for him to prepare only his own report on Mueller’s findings. And he suggested any findings unrelated to actual indictments might not be, in his words, “release-able.”