best one yet my niggas
Do you accept Jesus Christ as your only Lord and Savior, while denouncing all man-made idols and false prophets, as well as denouncing anything at all to do with a 'black cube'?
why do videos and information posted online to places like jewtube for such, what seems to be, stale/normal information but ayyy's are left up and even pushed by big entities?
maybe plant in the mind for a 'plan'?
maybe we should turn the rapture machine back on them))) in the /end?
after DJT gets done bringing them in real close and comfy just to humiliate the shit out of them in front of the whole world dark to light?
we can all have dreams.
To the anon last bread talking about Rwanda, I believe I may have found something possibly big.
1 year ago +2 days ahead drop Jared Cohen who links with Eric Schmidt.
This article mentions both of them and JA.
Here's Cohen's twatter.
Nigga is on the CFR.
Wasn't Alphabet Inc mentioned not long ago also? They just took a huge hit.
Habbened to run across this while digging, not sure if picked up but Adam Schitt refers criminal charges against Erik Prince (should be gud)
That's what I got for now..time for moar covfefe.
There's a shitload of untapped minerals/resources down in Africa.
It's no wonder the Clinton's had their hands in it and Jared Cohen ties it in with Iran too.
Dropped a map in this bread of supposed underground bases in Africa that was allegedly put out by a merc involved with the NWO army.
Kek, dug on this like 2 months ago and no takers.
fucking retarded baker
When will you goddamn peasants figure out that you don't run shit.
The elites all keep it in the family at the top and the only way for a true free humanity is for We The People to rise up and kill all of them but you all won't do that so we'll just continue being fucking slaves to the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, etc.
Yea, it's all fucked my dude.
Decided to look back in on Murdoch a couple hours ago and it's so comical.
Basically still running the company through his son.
You fucking bootlicker. Collaborators should be shot.
You think someone who committed TREASON should only be sent to jail? You fucking glow, Tucker.
Wanting to keep all these assholes in power to rule over us, decide how much we're paid, keep technology hidden from us, raping/killing babies in satanic rituals, and on and on and on and I'm the fucking crazy one? top fucking kekโฆthe spin on that would be hysterical if not so retarded.
baaaaaa baaaaa baa baaaaaaa baaaaa < maybe you understand that language better?
you're in the wrong bread faggot.