:::This::: Panic in DC..
Old News…
a good example of the brainwashing of the left.
KH looks and sounds important to those that continue to believe
In Russia! Russia! Russia!. easier to stick with that narrative then to think it's all bullshit. She is an evil bitch.
(((They))) are sick!
high functioning sociopath/ narrcicist.
KH can't see herself as anything other then above the law..and will never admit like all the other criminals in our government that they broke any laws.
Positive verses negative.
The push of negative, dark, death,
"Dystopia" in just about every new movie, music and so on. Bad News everywhere? Seriously positive thoughts are needed, we have a say in how the future will play out, more so now the ever. In my opinion.
Given in? Power perceived is power achieved, how do "We" achieve power for the people? We fight! And continue to expose them. I see and I understand (((they))) have controlled our thinking, yes, we have been slaves, sheep, but sheep no more! we can't stop, ever! for our fight for freedom.
Fight! Fight! Fight!