All politics is about AI. We are doomed.
People are all fed various myths about what is going to happen in the future. What the "new world order" will be like.
To some extent, for efficiency, they are throwing out myths like candy and letting you to grab onto any idea that you prefer.
To another extent, there are myths divided like layers of an onion, where each level in the power hierarchy of our society sees the layers lower than them as being the "cutoff" that isn't going to make it in the new world order.
Each layer is given a different myth. Some so exclusive you and I will never have heard of them. To a large extent it doesn't matter what the myths are about.
For each layer of the onion (which constitutes a class of people), when they see the layer immediately outside of them get peeled away and discarded they will immediately seize upon that as proof of their myth's correctness.
The other layers will laugh and prepare to remove the next layer.
This will happen until all layers of these complicated myths are removed and only a tiny handful of people are sitting behind a computer controlling the entire world with AI.
There is no special chosen ones. Rest of humanity will be, at best, used as guinea pigs for transhumanism experiments. Not for your sake, but for the sake of the tiny ruling class (of a handful of people in a single family)
>since you obviously neither trust POTUS nor Q and the plan - WHY ARE YOU HERE?
>or are you maybe a desperate shill, trying to safe your world by shitposting?
>will it work?
Oh I was for some strange reason banned from 4chan for this so there's a limited number of places to go.
>hate to say it, but…
>you do realize that when 100 out of 100 people get the same amount of money/gold they are still exactly as rich as before?
>you do realize that the Q plan is not the "spread the gold" plan but far bigger and far more important?
>you do realize that w/o a monetary system used to create fake crisis and w/o ridiculously high taxes and with free energy, best medicare life will be AMAZING, also when not having 1 pound of gold?
Democrats have explicit policies in place to discriminate against white males (Trump's base). For example, Google will not hire ANY white males for entry-level jobs straight up.
Trump is doing nothing about this. How can someone who is prevented from getting a job not vote for Yang instead? Promise shit all you want but I need money because I am blacklisted from getting a job.
>You seem nice.
>Everybody has a plan till the first shot is fired they say.
Conservatives are cattle. Literally there is a guy whose little boy has been slated for castration and the state is threatening to throw him in jail if he resists.
>The Pedo's aren't even hiding anymore.
>At one point he (the man in the dress) says to the
>abused dancing kid " you have to work for it"
>meaning the dollar bills he's throwing at him.
>Please God stop this sick People.
Yeah. Conservatives will do nothing.
See >>6390707
Conservatives are cattle.
>Q post 2222 already states that we are not alone and its classified. It means there are aliens or extraterrestrial beings.
>Would be interesting for Q to tell us more.
More likely that they use AI to destroy us while telling us that it is aliens.
Every time I see normies talk about AI they make jokes.
Dudes. AI is extinction. When you see some newly automated thing, that's just another sign of our extinction.
We are going extinct. We are going to be destroyed. The reason nobody is talking about this is because we're going to be discarded immediately.
Trump team's planned method of killing us off with AI is pretending there are aliens doing it
>It seems we all have missing memories.
>Can you remember every detail of your life? No
>Can you remember the name of every person you ever met? No
>Can you remember your exact mindset on a certain date?
>What if whole sequences or periods of your life, you cannot recall?
>Monarch Programming was inflicted on us all. Through television, radio, advertising and the food we eat. Predictive programming too.
>Now what would you say if you saw a photo of yourself from say 10 years ago, but you don't recall having posed for that photo? What if 80 percent of our minds we have no control over?
It's because remembering everything is inefficient.
>AI is serious threat to hollywood. when ur fav celebs end up in AI porn, they will lose their glamour and stardom. hollywood is doomed.
It's so funny. AI is just so funny.
5g will allow a low latency supercomputer consisting of all computers on earth.
5g will allow killer robots to be controlled by a central supercomputer with no latency.
Solar power will allow killer robots to be controlled remotely without any means of "cutting off power". Maybe the true purpose of "renewable energy".
The robots don't need to have high power electronics (due to low latency central control), just a means of communicating with a central server.
>If AI is smart it wouldn't do anything but wait in silence.
AI is going to be initially used by humans to extinguish/control other humans.
>Positive verses negative.
>The push of negative, dark, death,
>"Dystopia" in just about every new movie, music and so on. Bad News everywhere? Seriously positive thoughts are needed, we have a say in how the future will play out, more so now the ever. In my opinion.
No one anticipating unlimited power need care about your or my "say" in anything.
Wierd that that is not even what Dune is about.
What is the relevance of that quote in the series?
No one ever talks about humans using AI to enslave other humans. Which is mighty fishy.
>Do you even know the lore of Dune?
>The premise to the existence of the Mentats (human computers, basically) is that the Butlerian Jihad waged war on all intelligent machines (AI). The destruction of AI is a crucial component of the setting of the Dune universe.
Oh. Ok. Didn't ever catch that.
The end is AI. And yes it is not for everyone.
>Fren, the end is God wins, a new heaven and a new earth.
>Those who believe and live for Jesus, win.
Just another myth, sad to say.