>>6391422 As libertarian and ideological anarchist at heart, getting government out of health care is moving in the right direction. But as a pragmatist, there is a reason people moved toward socialized medicine and killing the ACA does very little to address those underlying issues that got us here. If the people running this take down of the ACA think that getting rid of it is a fix that is political sustainable in the long term, they are willfully blind to the issues real issues that drive people in this direction. When you make the majority of working people wage slaves who feel the majority of their work life is out of their control, supporting causes that push back on groups that have the appearance having unchecked power over their lives is nothing more than self preservation. The ACA is a symptom of a way of life that has it roots in capturing people into dependent situations. Employers love having leverage to hold over employees, and any time the balance power swings one way of the other, people work very hard to correct the imbalance. An education system and semi fascist system that has resulted a significant portion of the systems capital being consolidated into the hands of a very small portion of the population has to be addressed before killing the ACA will be anything more than a band-aid on a a gaping wound.