IMHO it is looking like Mueller is a high ranking black hat
When Barr said "what's with the letter ? why didn't you just call?"
it started to clarify how Mueller was trying to manipulate Barr
by documenting something in a letter – as EVIDENCE –
got me thinking about this post on this chan recently
and an alternative explanation of the events
the post:
Anonymous 04/29/19 (Mon) 22:47:25 0a1809 (1) No.6367253
John Ashcroft. Although Ashcroft has a mixed history, at best (promoting the Patriot Act, for example), this is notable from Wikipedia:
"In March 2004, the Justice Department under Ashcroft ruled that the Stellar Wind domestic intelligence program was illegal. The day after the ruling, Ashcroft became critically ill with acute pancreatitis. President Bush sent his White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales and Chief of Staff Andrew Card Jr. to Ashcroft's hospital bed. They wanted him to sign a document reversing the Justice Department's ruling. The semi-conscious Ashcroft refused to sign; Acting Attorney General James Comey and Jack Goldsmith, head of the Office of Legal Counsel for DOJ, were there to back him up.[22] FBI Director Robert Mueller, who also was rushing to the hospital, spoke by phone to Ashcroft's security detail, ordering them not to allow Card or Gonzales to have Comey removed from the hospital room."
Stellar Wind was "the code name of a warrantless surveillance program begun under the George W. Bush administration …"
what if there was another version of this story
what if Ashcroft was ready to spill the beans on something
and Mueller and Comey teamed up to ensure he died without telling what he knew
what if it wasn't pancreatitis
what if it was POISON