Anonymous ID: c0bde1 May 2, 2019, 10:51 a.m. No.6393867   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3893 >>3897

So fresh and new!

How soon Anons forget or never knew but they do now know what GETTING AHEAD OF and/or controlling THE NARRATIVE means so….


Here is a Prime example of THEM attempting to control the narrative, to stay ahead of the News as they are very wiling to scapegoat even one of their own to maintain their grip upon the world.

MAY 1, 2019 / 6:37 AM


"VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - A group of 19 Catholic priests and academics have urged bishops to denounce Pope Francis as a heretic, in the latest ultra-conservative broadside against the pontiff over a range of topics from communion for the divorced to religious diversity."


Yet this is nothing new:

Oct. 27, 2017

Nov. 11, 2014


Is it that hard to see that there is another PSY OP on going along side the one we are well aware of?


Do you ever notice that the LEFT is aligned against the Church primarily?


Or should I say "The church is usually aligned against the left".


You wish to believe it is because they are Evil.


Imagine that (((they))) GAVE the Left their marching orders and they are attacking concepts and ideas that they do not like.


For instance, the Legalization of Cannabis.

EVERYONE KNEW that GEORGE SOROS gave 1 million dollars to the legalization effort in California.


Everyone who cared enough to stick their head in and do some research that is.


Do you not see why?


EVERYONE who cares is also VERY CONVINCED that George Soros is part of some evil Cabal yet rarely do they ever consider that this evil cabal is the Church.


Anons or Gatekeepers want Anons to believe that people like Rothschild or Soros are lone wolves…


Yet slowly but surely the news comes out showing just how INVOLVED the Church truly is and this is only required because so many know so little concerning History.


So, as Anons learn about how the C_A was controlled by the Vatican:


Why Catholics thrive in the CIA

Robert Wargas 5 May, 2016


How people like SAUL ALINKSY, GEORGE SOROS et al. work FOR the Vatican:


SEP. 24, 2016

Unmasking Saul Alinsky, a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing


How Obama and all the rest CONNECT to the Vatican:


November 16, 2017, 5:36 pm



"The election of a liberal Jesuit to the papacy thrilled Democrats in the United States, whose unholy alliance with the Catholic left goes back many decades. Barack Obama, one of the pope’s most prominent supporters, has long been a beneficiary of that alliance. The faculty at Jesuit Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., ranked as one of the top donors to his campaign."


How the Vatican has been UNIMAGINABLY EVIL for so long:


300,000 babies stolen from their parents - and sold for adoption: Haunting BBC documentary exposes 50-year scandal of baby trafficking by the Catholic church in Spain


One could literally link to similar DEEDS all day long…


80% are "Religious" in America so POTUS has to pander yet we do not and in the last election most of these "religious" people did not vote for POTUS (40% PER REPUBLICAN POST ELECTION POLLING) so we do not need them in order to win in 2020.


Simply remove the 5-15 million illegal voters and we will win again and this time it will be a landslide.


Do your research Anons…

You are being lied to about the Masons who were Infiltrated, the muh joos = muh hollywood & muh scapegoat, muh islam = muh ultimate scapegoat, muh Soros and Rothschild and on and on anon anon…

They are here now and have been here since the beginning.

They are desperate to control the narrative of this great awakening.

Mark Taylor knows the truth and soon you will have a chance to judge for yourself as all of the DIRT will come out.


Learn History anon, do that and you will not need to be told anything by anyone even by SHILLS LIKE ME…


and just to cover all bases… fuck the zionists! fuck islam! fuck all manner of control over the minds of my motherfucking countrymen and women!

Eternal Hostility to all forms of Tyranny is the Will of God!


and I leave you with muh meme… just crumbs…


o7 5:5





Anonymous ID: c0bde1 May 2, 2019, 11:01 a.m. No.6393952   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3980


they play both sides, false paradigm just like the false two party political paradigm that most of America believed for so long.


You tell me why Anons are not PISSED and ACTIVELY campaigning against VATICAN DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY!?


The RIGHT to Molest american children is not one of the most grievous things ever?


But gotta get obama and killary lord yes….

and gotta stop those faggots and queers and that islam lord yes….


I think I know why…


and its called SIGNIS



WHY are you not aware… SMART ANON?


Speaking to ALL anon not directed at (you) per se…

Anonymous ID: c0bde1 May 2, 2019, 11:15 a.m. No.6394076   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I believe SIGNIS controls Hollywood, most of the news media including FOX/FAUX news at least until POTUS got Murdoch by the short hairs and a bunch of other "Media" outlets.

They seek control of everything and never for the benefit of those they enslave.


Why do anons not know or ever mention SIGNIS?

Why are Anons not literally up in arms about Vatican Diplomatic immunity?


Muh Hillary… Muh Obama… Muh Joos…. Muh Islam…

Anybody but the main culprits!

Those who fling the doors open and embrace the invaders and who teach us to do the same while turning the other cheek.