Anonymous ID: f9b2f2 May 2, 2019, 11 a.m. No.6393938   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4011

>>6391824 pb


>Today is the day we go to



>>6391761 pb

>What new meme topics do you suggest, fren?


Sorry, fren. Tried to respond but it wouldn't go through and my battery died.

I'm sure you all came up with perfect answers to this Q already!


But here are my 2 cents:


I think the best topics really depend on the target audience. The whole deal here is that they've kept us divided with different narratives, so we have no common ground. Our Game is to break those divisions down by getting people to question what they "know" so that we can start listening to each other again.


So each social group or subculture will have different topics where we can get them curious instead of shut down, so they can start expanding their thinking. Meet your target audience where they're at.


In practical terms, think about the people you know and love who are still deep under mind control. What do they care about? Where can you find common ground and get them to open up to new ideas?


The amazing thing is that even those who are still deep under liberal mind-control and in the grips of TDS are experiencing The Great Awakening too. I see the evidence everywhere. They are thinking more clearly, re-imagining the world, asking questions - just in other areas. The cabal have put a lot of effort into entrenching hatred of POTUS and MAGA, so that territory is very well-defended. With these 4-6% that are in deepest, it's probably best to sneak in from unexpected directions. Look for the weak points in the cabal's narrative, the areas where these people already have doubts or are more open to thinking differently.


It doesn't matter what topics people start with - every questioning mind seizes power from the cabal and opens up more territory for freedom of thought. The Plan is working: all questioning is thinking in the right direction.


I would encourage everyone to meme and RedPill on the topics that feel most important to them and to those they are trying to reach. The name of the Game here is to destroy the hold the cabal has had on our collective ability to think outside the tiny little boxes they've had us trapped in. IMHO that's far more important than convincing anyone of specific facts or ideas.


Getting people out of fear and into curiosity, out of rigid certainty and into exploratory thinking. This is where I believe our efforts will bear the sweetest fruit.


But I think the most powerful thing of all is for each of us to be a living example of Freedom of Thought. When we are brave enough to think independently and speak our Truth, we model that behavior for others and we teach them through example. And if we can do that with love and compassion for all those trapped in the lies - well, that's Winning^X. Unstoppable.


Finally, here's one I hope to meme today, and would encourage anyone who feels inspired to meme too:

Never Again Under Their Control

Anonymous ID: f9b2f2 May 2, 2019, 11:09 a.m. No.6394011   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4025 >>4031


FYI, frens, I can feel the fog clearing faster and faster.

I have no metrics and nothing other than HiveMind to gauge our progress, but there's no doubt in my mind that we're growing at an unprecedented exponential rate.

Freedom of Thought IS happening. All over the world, our brothers and sisters are waking up.

This is a very good time to be alive!

Great work, everyone. We are really winning the war.