Anonymous ID: cba620 May 2, 2019, 11:36 a.m. No.6394324   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4359



Increasingly people are realizing three things:


1.Crimes were committed by the Left.

  1. Many in the media were not only aware of that, but were complicit, and some were even invested if not accomplises or co-conspirators.

  2. Many in Congress have been aware of these crimes since they were committed.


The above explains the behavior, even panic, of those individuals.


If crimes were committed, and members of Congress have been aware, and those same members of Congress have used the powers of Congress to obstruct the executive from investigating these crimes, why doesn’t that represent abuse of power, and obstruction of justice?


Looked at another way, why does this not represent a “Watergate” committed not by the executive but rather by Congress.


Perhaps the Senate should introduce a bill to protect AG Barr and to allow him the time to conduct the investigation on behalf of the American people.


Lastly, acknowledging that the VSGPDJT and the AG know far more than I do, I feel a sense of urgency to strike now so that any actions by the House (e.g. subpoena, censure, contempt, impeachment of Barr) are seen as obstruction, rather than Barr’s investigation being represented as abuse of power. Ie we need Barr to be the “victim” of the House not the other way around.




Watergate doesn’t come close to the alleged current Corruption (Obamagate); almost completed (still trying) the destruction of the United States. Obamagate was seconds away (Hillary Presidency) from destroying the Constitution and the United States for Globalism which allegedly involved the top management of the FBI/DOJ and foreign entities. Watergate; 69 people were indicted, with trials or plea deals resulting in 48 being found guilty, many of whom were Nixon’s top administration officials.


The Media crossed the line of any type of reporting by definition into aided and abetting Criminals.

Anonymous ID: cba620 May 2, 2019, 11:45 a.m. No.6394386   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4393 >>4408 >>4416 >>4771 >>4957



PDJT planned over 2-years ago to go Nuclear with the Criminal Codes; at the end of Barr’s testimony triggered DEFCON-1 READINESS.


This is a “LEGAL” CIVIL War and the Criminal Codes are the Weapons (only weapon) that protect PDJT, American People and the Shield that protects the Constitution. (All problems circles back to the Rule of Law). The only way the Globalist/Hillary can destroy the United States is by not enforcing the Rule of Law. Yesterday, Barr would cite law and all Democrats stated they look at the law differently. Same with illegal Voting, illegal Aliens etc. all prearranged by Globalist to convert the U.S. into a 3rd world county.


The Criminal Codes will be used to Circle and Trap the Alleged Largest Criminal Organization in United States History; the Clinton Foundation and Hillary Emails the Communicator to the Clinton Foundation. Hillary Emails and the Clinton Foundation was the Motivator (Prosecution’s Opening Statement) that allegedly corrupted the top floor of the FBI/DOJ.



Watergate doesn’t come close to the alleged current Corruption (Obamagate); almost completed (still trying) the destruction of the United States. Obamagate was seconds away (Hillary Presidency) from destroying the Constitution and the United States for Globalism which allegedly involved the top management of the FBI/DOJ and foreign entities. Watergate; 69 people were indicted, with trials or plea deals resulting in 48 being found guilty, many of whom were Nixon’s top administration officials.






OBAMA WILL BE INVESTIGATED: if found guilty by overwhelming evidence will Obama face jail time like Hillary?


OBAMA/HILLARY allegedly conspired with the top management of the FBI/DOJ directly/indirectly to make sure normal investigative/prosecutorial policies and procedures were not followed for political reasons; is a criminal act.


OBAMA/HILLARY allegedly conspired with the upper management of the FBI/DOJ directly/indirectly to frame the President Elect and the President of the United States of criminal acts that Hillary/Obama and the upper management of the FBI/DOJ allegedly actual did. Think about the gravity of this sentence; like writing fiction.



  1. Did President Obama take an Oath to faithfully execute the office of President of the United States; and will to the best of his ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States?

  2. Does it appear that maybe Obama applied his own views of how the Constitution and the United States should be; ignoring his Oath of office?


If Obama is found to be involved in criminal acts; would this coincide with the alleged Obama’s 25-below-listed items.

  1. Did not take Action when he received intelligence that NK had miniaturized nuclear warheads that can possible reach the Continental United States. (2013)

  2. Iran Deal

  3. Allowed M-13 gangs to easily cross our southern borders.

  4. Allowed illegal aliens to cross our borders.

  5. Depleted our Military.

  6. Accepted 1.0 to 1.5 percent GNP; stating this is the New Normal.

  7. Invited Illegal Aliens to Vote.

  8. Obama telling Americans; Terrorist in the U.S. is a way of life. Accept it.

  9. Illegal Aliens Criminal Acts against U.S. Citizens is to be accepted.

  10. Illegal Aliens Costing Taxpayers 360 Billion dollars (not sure) a year is to be accepted.

  11. Supported Criminals-released many from prison.

  12. Did not support our Police Departments.

  13. Intentionally motivated hate and divided the country in the name of racial discrimination.

  14. Destroyed the Rule of Law.

  15. Circumvented the Separation of Powers.

  16. Disparaged the Judiciary’s Constitution Function.

  17. By- passed Judicial Review… made his Executive Branch the Reviewer.

  18. Eliminated Judicial Check on Executive Power, which safeguards citizens’ life and liberty.

  19. Created an intra-Executive check on executive power is no check at all.

  20. Obama made the final targeting decision acting as Judge, Jury and Executioner.

  21. Obama bypassed the Constitution to enhance his own power, sidestep the other branches, and reach the outcome he wanted. (destruction of the Constitution)

  22. Substitute his own judgment for the Rule of Law…this is a nation of laws…not men.

  23. Obama had a duty to uphold and evenhandedly apply our nation of laws.

  24. Obama created a system were the President is above the Law.

  25. Obama picked which parts of the Constitution to comply to and which to ignore…this was his process


PDJT has Checkmate on All the Criminals

Anonymous ID: cba620 May 2, 2019, 11:51 a.m. No.6394427   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4478 >>4510 >>4748 >>5133

Wow! The leaks are starting, or is it the narrative spin now that WE KNOW what they did? This always happens right before their shenanigans are outed… so predictable.


F.B.I. Sent Investigator Posing as Assistant to Meet With Trump Aide in 2016



“The F.B.I. instructed Mr. Halper to set up a meeting in London with Mr. Papadopoulos but gave him few details about the broader investigation, a person familiar with the episode said.


His job was to figure out the extent of any contacts between Trump campaign advisers and Russia. Mr. Halper used his position as a respected academic to introduce himself to both Mr. Papadopoulos and Mr. Page, whom he also met with several times. He arranged a meeting with Mr. Papadopoulos in London to discuss a Mediterranean natural gas project, offering $3,000 for his time and a policy paper.


The F.B.I. also decided to send Ms. Turk to take part in the operation, people familiar with it said, and to pose as Mr. Halper’s assistant. For the F.B.I., placing such a sensitive undertaking in the hands of a trusted government investigator was essential.


British intelligence officials were also notified about the operation, the people familiar with the operation said, but it was unclear whether they provided assistance. A spokeswoman for the British government declined to comment.”

Anonymous ID: cba620 May 2, 2019, 12:02 p.m. No.6394499   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4526

Publishing the score card of the leadership for the much vaunted Obama INTEL and FBI apparatus would be interesting. The networks love paying them lavish consulting fees for their services to them and the nation.


  1. Hillary Clinton operated a private server, “undetected”, connected to USG I/T infrastructure (including the White House) for her term as Secretary of State.

  2. They hired Chinese agents and political operatives, giving them the highest clearances and access to USG data bases.

  3. They allowed the invasion of USG I/T multiple times by enemies and friends alike.

  4. John Kerry remarked about Iran knowing the positions for US Nuke Negotiators before talks.

  5. Senior Officers attempting to expose and fix issues were fired and sabotaged.

  6. Large amounts of classified data was removed by Whistleblowers.

  7. They allowed a Chinese agent to work on the staff of Dianne Feinstein and likely others.

  8. They authorized blind drops of money and weapons to ISIS operatives in Syria.

  9. They allowed Maduro to invite the Russians, Chinese and their surrogates to set up shop in Venezuela.

  10. The Libyan disaster and all related were allowed to occur.

11 The Awan family, working for DSW and the Congressional Dims and the Intelligence Committees (anybody else feel the need to put quotation marks around “intelligence” in this context?


Now these same people want us to believe a few thousand dollars worth of questionable Facebook adds and accounts by Russia tipped the 2016 elections??

Anonymous ID: cba620 May 2, 2019, 12:05 p.m. No.6394525   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Joe Biden’s son Hunter alongside Chris Heinz, John Kerry’s stepson, took a $1 billion loan from the government run Bank of China for their private equity firm, Bohai-Harvest RST (BHR)


Joe Biden publicly says that China poses no threat or competition to the US.


He’s dangerous

Anonymous ID: cba620 May 2, 2019, 12:12 p.m. No.6394585   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4678 >>4844 >>4894 >>5021

Hollywood meltdown. They can’t even accept that there was no collusion. All their hate is on the honey badger (Barr) right now:


If there end up being indictments against the actual spygate players…..


I can’t even imagine what the Hollywood nutcases do.

Anonymous ID: cba620 May 2, 2019, 12:17 p.m. No.6394642   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4654

Just leaving this here.


To be clear people are confusing a few events, with likely different actors.


(((1: Podesta emails:))) retrieved remotely after a password phishing scam directly from his personal Gmail email inbox, unrelated to any DNC hacking, by parties unknown (but perpetrator later put a fake Wikipedia page of Podesta on the site used in the scheme, apparently to mock Podesta, which points to a non-state actor).


(((2: DNC emails))) (as published by WikiLeaks): according to former UK ambassador Murray these were given to him on a USB stick in Washington by an intermediary and were retrieved by a leaker directly from DNC systems. The set ONLY includes emails from a limited set of accounts, mostly related to DNC Finance, yet the more interesting & damaging accounts (such as DWS) are not in that set, which points to a DNC internal operative who has some problem with activities by DNC Finance (the HRC finance scheme, detrimental to local (state) DNC organizations and efforts undermining Bernie Sanders). These were retrieved from DNC MS Exchange server (either remotely, like Podesta, or via Powershell command issued by a person with admin level access to the DNC Exchange server).


(((3: Guccifer 2))) (G2) data set: this data set was analyzed by many people and consists of mostly OLD documents which are all not harmful to the DNC. This data set was zipped in Central US time-zone, the files had been put on an USB stick earlier in Eastern US timezone (perhaps when copying from DNC file servers). This seems part of an attempt to muddy the waters, it is a fake which seems to have had help from inside the DNC (in order to copy the files). G2 later would go in to lot of effort to leave ‘Russian’ fingerprints on some of the documents (clearly a set-up). He also claimed to be Romanian, but when questioned in Romanian he answered in incorrect, strange and at time archaic ‘Romanian’, so he was disbelieved and assumed to be (say) Russian; yet this can’t have been done by a non-Romanian and non-Moldovan speaker using a service like Google Translate because then he would not have made such ‘errors’. A check of what he actually wrote points to a person who speaks Moldovan (a dialect of Romanian), which is spoken by people in Moldova and in the Ukraine. Also one of the documents published by G2 was a DNC Trump Opposition Research file (which was singled out by CrowdStrike as one of the stolen documents, yet it is unclear how they would know that, unless they cooperated with G2).


(((4: DNC Server hack:))) CrowdStrike (CS) reported this on Jun 14th (via WaPo) and published more details the next day. There were a few different Fancy Bear 64bit binaries that they claimed to have found, yet the re-imaged the servers (a few times) between May and June 2016. The main malware was a X-Agent binary was found in two slightly different versions (with different compile dates), but note that the source code for this malware is in the public hacker domain (at least among Russian, Ukrainian and other East European hackers; one EU IT security firm managed to get a copy; the Ukrainian hacker friends of the Ukrainian-American CEO of CS very likely also had access). The other binary was a helper utility X-Tunnel; it is likely (if not not known with certainty) that the source code for this binary was also in the public hacker domain. Note that this binary contained 3 IP addresses for Command and Control servers, one of which was identified as certainly belonging to Fancy Bear (as that one has been used in Bundesttag attack in 2015), the problem with that is that this IP address has been removed in May 2015 hence the hackers no longer could use that IP, yet it is still there in this freshly compiled binary (no doubt to point the finger at the Russians).

Note that all 3 binaries had been compiled in late April and early May 2016, shortly before or on the dates that CS is said to have visited the DNC.


(((5: The 2016 spear-phishing campaign against US targets))) (a.o. DNC): SecureWorks reported a large phishing campaign which was run in early 2016, which included hundreds of targets, including quite a few DNC (related) people. But note that there were also many other targets.

SecureWorks and others claimed that this was the same campaign as which targeted Podesta, but this is incorrect. The URLs used show that the Podesta phishing hack used a different server with a quite different name and both campaigns also used different server side software (different applications on the phishing scam servers) because the URL’s and parameters are completely different.

Anonymous ID: cba620 May 2, 2019, 12:19 p.m. No.6394654   🗄️.is 🔗kun



As a follow up to #3 and #4: there is no evidence that these are related to #1 and or #2.


It seems clear that whoever did #3 is related to #4. We have two options for #3 and #4 which are both more likely than ‘the Russians’:


(((Option 1:))) Ukrainians did it. They would then both the G2 and [a] they may have actually hacked the DNC (somehow) or [b] they didn’t do that really but helped in planting the evidence. In this case CS may be innocent, in case 1a the DNC is innocent, in case 1b the DNC was involved.


(((Option 2:))) CrowdStrike did it: They would then have planted the evidence on DNC servers, or simply merely have claimed to have found the binaries. In this case they would have done so together with the DNC.


(((As to option 1:))) The fact that the G2 team contained one or more East Europeans (who speak better English than most Russians) and who had at least one Moldovan speaker points to Ukrainians. Also the fact that the source-code for X-Agent was in public domain points to them, because of their very close connections to Russian hackers. And they have the motivation due to the civil war.

In this case CS may be innocent (and even to some extent the DNC) but the issue remains that it is unclear how the hackers entered the DNC network. X-Agent is a final stage malware and is installed by other 1st and 0 stage malware. This is not just how Fancy Bear works, but this is the generic approach because other options are almost impossible. Normal entry is then via laptops of people who work for the DNC, their PC is infected with a 1st stage malware.


This can be done by having them click on a link in an email (and then hope that the virus scanner allows immediate execution and installation from an email) but it can also be done when a DNC staffer leaves his or her laptop alone (and unlocked) for a short while. As such it is important to note that there was a large group of Ukrainians visiting the US for a conference at the Library of Congress in April 2016, and there several of them met at least one person from the DNC: American-Ukrainian DNC activist Alexandra Chalupa. The timing is right for an entry directly via her laptop, with or without her help & knowledge.


(((As to option 2:))) This would be even more shocking. But it would better explain why CS claimed that one of the documents was the DNC Trump Opposition Research document. Why single that out? CS claimed that they could see what was happening, which documents were accessed but that is bullocks. You can not see on a Windows Server which people ACCESS what document, unless you install a very advanced auditing solution (e.g. from MicroSoft) which actually logs people merely reading, copying or otherwise accessing documents.

Of course they can know what documents were in the inbox of Podesta (one of which also included that Trump Oppo file) yet that is NOT what they claimed, they claimed this file was taken from DNC servers and not so much from Podesta’s GMail (on Google servers, not located at the DNC).

Anonymous ID: cba620 May 2, 2019, 12:52 p.m. No.6394941   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4968 >>4984

On April 25, Joe DiGenova said, on the Angle, that an IG report on “Comey” would be out in “two weeks” (no qualifiers, no “as early as,” no “submitted for review,” etc.). He also said it would include criminal referrals (plural).


Two weeks is up May 9. Now I see that CNN is hosting a Comey Town Hall on May 9. Will we see the IG report and referrals on May 9? Wouldn’t that be wonderful timing?