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I trust President Trump. His motivation and his ability. I have to ask though, why bumpstock? why this? The 2A people will go apeshit. They will. Why create a wedge between yourself and your base for the adversary to exploit?
On many issues there is room to maneuver, and play sides against each other and to wheel and deal, give a little to gain alot or position yourself for an even better outcome, but I dont think anything to do with 2a is it.
Many people confuse NRA with 2A, but it is not. It is the squish faction of 2A. There is Gunowners of America, Jews for Preservation of Firearm Ownership, and all the 2A peeps who wont join any list voluntarily. They may not vote Dem, but a good portion with split other ways: not voting, independent, libertarian etc.
As I said before, I trust President Trump and I believe and support him and his agenda. I think he is miscalculating on this though. I have emailed the white house, and when it comes up in conversation I have said previously that it aint happening, but now, it is.
Please anons, help me see the logic here?