I've chosen for 8 chan for any type of social network. 2 years of crying whilst not engaging on new forums to people who would have supported those being censored… sorry, i waited around and social new networks got stale because people I followed failed to transfer to censorship free forums. it's that simple… there are solutions and if big names fail to transition then everyone will be stuck in censorship land. Guess what I still know the facts going on around me not listening to these people…. seriously the crying getting to the point that DO THE FUCK SOMETHING ABOUT IT and stop lifting up these corrupt social networks that not only exploit you and make you a product they exploit people you know even if that are not part of that forum….. thats personal lack of responsibility and doing some kind of Stockholm syndrome blaming your abuser. It's fucking old!
Came to point I stopped listening to great people because they keep crying while I waited on new forums for them to appear and support forums that don't censor. Why the fuck would you not support that again LACK OF FUCKING responsibility and seriously it's like whining and crying starting to sound like Antifa. I am not saying to accept censorship I am saying RISE ABOVE IT and move your fucking battle ground for Gods sake!!!