Anonymous ID: a7039e May 2, 2019, 3:16 p.m. No.6396361   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6390


I’ll give you the benefit that you’re just not playing dumb. Mueller didn’t write the letter which is what Barr implied after his phone call with Mueller. Barr called the letter “snitty” and after his phone call with Mueller he got the impression it was written by disgruntled staff (Attorney Weismann). Why? Not because of any “misrepresentations” (an attorney word for lies) just that Barr’s letter of the main conclusions of the long Report didn’t contain any anti-Trump “nuances” which were in the main Report. But Barr didn’t want to do anything but give the public the bottom line on both the possible charges of1) collusion with the Russians and 2) obstruction by Trump. Barr stated the exact truth about Mueller’s conclusions on this matter.


The problem here is that the Dems and the Deep State were pissed that Trump got a head start by reporting the conclusions and not all the nasty findings of fact about Trump’s character and any of the evidence pointing towards obstruction but falling short. It wasn’t Barr’s job to report piecemeal on all the anti-Trump nuances littered throughout the Report. Just give the public the “box score” which he did. The Dems are pissed because they got played on the news cycles. It’s Mueller and staff’s own damn fault. If they thought there were crimes committed it was their duty to report. They didn’t. So instead of the big “nothing burger” which Barr truthfully reported, they wanted the public to hear about all the non-illegal character flaws about Trump. Well fuck them. The People now know the truth.

Anonymous ID: a7039e May 2, 2019, 3:34 p.m. No.6396554   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6583 >>6655


Yes. And it seems that they thought that Barr wouldn’t go public with the Report, or any part or summary thereof, until the DoJ had completed of the the Grand Jury, sources and methods, etc. Redactions which Mueller and [RR] mislead Barr about. Barr was under the impression that all these redactions would have been made. Mueller and staff fucked him by leaving the redactions to Barr thinking that Barr would be bogged down for weeks with this work and therefore wouldn’t go public on anything in the Report until the work was complete. Well, Barr and @POTUS got the drop on them by writing the letter calling and summarizing the main two findings. The Dems faced a crippling news cycle and Trump screaming vindication around the Globe. This whole time the Dems thought the nasty tidbits about Trump would be leaked and kill Trump with a daily drop of yet another horrible revelation contained in the Report. ‘Fraid not, pards. You got played.