Anonymous ID: cf1385 May 2, 2019, 5:29 p.m. No.6397764   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7958

Brian Cates




Right before the DOJ IG report about his criminal leaking comes out.


CNN Communications


. @andersoncooper

to moderate CNN Town Hall with former FBI Director James Comey next Thursday, May 9 at 8pm ET on @CNN



It's too late, of course, but I mentioned awhile back, Comey still has only one desperate play to make: trying to get the public on his side & tell his story & generate support/sympathy for his being 'persecuted' by DOJ attack dogs working for Trump.


Here's the problem: Comey is an idiot.


He can't keep his lies straight.


He's going to be giving interviews where he engages in hand waving bullshit while the IG & Barr release documentary evidence contained in an indictment that walks everyone through his crimes.


Remember: convicting Comey of taking classified documents with him from the FBI after he was fired, documents he no longer had LEGAL ACCESS TO & giving at least 1 of those classified docs to a friend outside of a SCIF is a slam dunk conviction.


He admitted to having done this on live television in front of the Congress.


It doesn't get any easier than this, folks.


Brian Cates


Reminder: a guy who still had the job of CIA Director was:







for showing someone with a security clearance some classified information he had jotted down in what he called a 'personal journal'.


Anybody remember who that was?




He showed some classified info he had jotted down in a journal he kept inside his home to his biographer/mistress, Paula Broadwell.


Guess who was running the FBI when Petraeus was fired, investigated, indicted and then convicted for doing that?




James Comey.


NOBODY should know better just how deep the shit he is in than Comey, who led the agency that prosecuted people for doing what he himself admits to doing.


Comey admitted under oath before Congress that he


took 7 memos he wrote to himself with him after being fired as FBI Director


4 of those memos contained classified information, and were thereby classified documents by their very nature


Comey gave FOUR memos to Daniel Richman


That means at least ONE of the 4 memos Comey handed off to Richman contained classified information.


After-the-fact Comey tried to mitigate what he had done by claiming


Richman has a security clearance

Comey has hired Richman to be his lawyer


Well remember, Paula Broadwell had a security clearance too. And SHE wasn't given POSSESSION of classified documents, they were merely SHOWN to her.


Broadwell also wasn't shown this stuff by Petraeus so she could LEAK IT TO THE MEDIA, which is Comey's own stated purpose for giving Richman 4 of the memos.


Now, true: the ONE MEMO Richman read from over the phone to a NYT's reporter was NOT one of the four classified memos.


But here's the thing: Comey's never been ASKED if he made sure Richman knew which of the four memos he was handing to him had classified information in it.


People get prosecuted all the time for exposing classified information like this.


There was a case of a sailor who found a camera, took pictures inside of a nuclear sub, just for the fun of it, then threw the camera away. But turns out somebody found that camera, developed the film, and 1 of the pictures showed CLASSIFIED TECH.


Guess what happened?


He (Kristian Saucier) was sent to prison, of course.


[Trump pardoned him though after he had served 1 year of his prison sentence]


THAT'S how seriously exposure of classified information is taken. IF POLITICS ARE KEPT OUT OF THE EQUATION.


So to recap:


Comey took 4 documents containing classified information with him after he was fired. He gave at least ONE of these classified documents to Richman.


Making Richman his LAWYER does not hide paper trial, nor does it 'cancel out' his previous admissions under oath.


Brian Cates


Time's almost up.


You're watching Sally Yates & Comey doing media tours now to try to get out ahead of what's coming.


It won't save them.



Anonymous ID: cf1385 May 2, 2019, 5:38 p.m. No.6397843   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Just saw a TV promo for the new season of Ancient Aliens, starting the end of this month

Wonder if Podesta will show up.