Eat shit you limp bilkuk nigger eyed blackpilled prep. You are not scene. You are making a scene with your false flag forced masonic new world order.No one gives a shit
that you go to buildings underground and stab flex taped abducted children on full moons and new moons with police officers partaking in the degenerate masonic behavior and making sure no one who is not a Freemason goes near the ritualized violence. How on earth is it any sort of respectable thing to revile in the fact that you hurt people secretly?What is it you have achieved with the powers that be in place for you to do this? Make a monopoly over industry to bottleneck the networking of business and such with a cable tow?to cement the destruction of the natural man.Ok maybe you dislike it but you are going down with the ship playing the cello still you are not a gentleman. A gentleman takes off the kids gloves and takes off the apron and rolles his sleeves up and a gentleman lets his fellow man know what has corrupted his life to the most intimate detail full reservation of mind.But why do you act like a modest person when you are hiding what you pretend to be modest about in the hopes I start pretending to be fancy aswell… and you make this part of who you are? You use
the death rattle of little babies gone blue to make you lift up a grimace to people on the street? Why cater to the profanes you are prancing around like little tahiti hot dog boys oh how these fucking people sure as hell want to impress the people they call profane.