Maddow has an OWL as her twat pic
I have wondered if they flew in azov battalion to charlottesville. I believe i heard Stranahan say it was strange that the tiki torch marchers were chanting a WW2 ukranian nazi chant
"blood and soiL"
which apparently is more associated with ukranian fascists in WW2 than Germans.
wonder if facial recog anons could ID any of them with Ukranian nationals.
is russian a common language to learn?
in a pinch, tobacco is antiseptic. learned that from Dual survival, early seasons.
Loved this show. shows like this get cancelled quick
i have a feeling, remedies our grandparents or greatgrandparents used are going to be needed again
god they suck. Look at that pic. Look at it with normie regular non-poloitcal eyes, 1 year from now. It's whats his name dukakis in a tank, but with chicken.
it's Kramer on seinfeld wearing a bucket on his head to symbolize our blindness to the post office tyranny
says the anonymous namefag