Anonymous ID: acfe38 May 2, 2019, 9:07 p.m. No.6399772   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Whats habbening gang. Been mostly lurking last month and a half.


From this anon’s perspective.. lots going on


  • msm & all players realizing the sand in the top of the hour glass DOES run out, and it is SOONER than later.


  • sides/allies are going to start turning daily, maybe even same convo w these pieces of shit.


  • msm is trying to get ahead of the story, to come out on “top” and look like they were never involved w the coup attempt (still ongoing).


  • Barr is getting the Kav treatment, loke they have all gotten.. he gets to see, from [THEM] how they are/who they are. This means President Trump.. Q.. Patriots.. we dont have to do a MOTHER FUCKING THING.. dont have to say a word. He gets to see them for who they are. I mean he has been reviewing what they did via Mueller report and his own intel means and methods and people… but they get to show him by what they are doing.. that they ARE capable of what is in those reports. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.


  • FF’s now become ever more transparent, normies are now questioning wtbf?! When these habben. Then get to see their reactions.


Someone on twatter today said something to the effect of “we know there is some fuckery involved w Venezuela.. just watch to see who cries foul, or who is the loudest to see who is involved”.


That pretty much summed it up.


When new investigations or habbenings.. habben.. sit back, watch for who is trying to spin it, downplay it, OR BLAME it. It will be on media intwrviews, speeches.. like the one killery just gave where she wants China to hack IRS for President Trump’s tax returns.. or them to get involved in 2020 election..


These people are now not just stupid.. they are now VERY VERY dangerous because they know that sand keeps coming down. They are to the point they don’t CARE. Not that they did before, but they dont give a shit Q has taps, that patriots have it all. They know time is short, it is all pr nothing.. “HELL mary” so to speak..