Fuck it, not really doing shit…let's watch this.
shut the fuck up nigger and stop stealing my dank ass memz.
fuck off, not notable in the slightest.
it's all pure speculation with no proof and pure bias.
glowing (((fucks.
the retardation of you kikes pretending to be maga in here make me want to kill my damn self, fuck.
great captcha slide of 2019.
the only thing it has exposed has been your amount of kvetching and subversion. not to mention all the (1)hops nomming the shit
kek, I'm not gonna sit here all night and keep giving you kikes your shekels but it was funny to prove a point.
it kills you pieces of shit that you're losing power so you try to cling to the side you'll think comes out on top.
which is why you constantly slide with muh jfk jr is alive, muh rr and bm are white/grey hats, muh captcha is for muhkike "shills", etc etc. because you don't want the goise to come together as one and overthrow your Rumpelstiltskin asses back to your fucking caves.
goddamn dwarves.)))
if you were an anon and I was an actual shill, you wouldn't even respond.
nice try, nigger.
your kike tears are extra salty, dear chap.
look who came attacking who.
everyone can see who (you)'d who first.
glowing mother fuckingcuntkikenigger
that the best you got, you weak hook-nosed neanderthal?
>you attack those you fear the most
keep proving my point, kike.
kikes love the word 'kayfabe'
it's a big favorite among 'college types' like Gavin McInnes and Mike Cernobitch.
you're weak, kumbayanigger.
lemme guess - muh diversity is our greatest strength just like isreal is our greatest ally?