Anonymous ID: ffd927 May 3, 2019, 6:50 a.m. No.6401960   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2073 >>2161

ANONS will be interesting how many sanctuary cities create laws to ban new arrivals from Trump's new approach much less the states.


Florida bill banning sanctuary cities heads to governor's desk


Florida bill banning sanctuary cities heads to governor's desk

Florida's state Senate on Thursday passed a bill banning sanctuary cities, the term for cities that limit their cooperation with federal immigration authorities.


The bill passed the Senate 22-18 on Thursday, according to the Tampa Bay Times, and now heads to governor Ron DeSantis' desk.


DeSantis, a Republican, campaigned on prohibiting sanctuary cities, and is expected to sign the bill.



"I thank the Florida Legislature for presenting me with a bill that upholds the rule of law and addresses sanctuary cities and counties in Florida." he tweeted after the bill passed.


"We are a stronger state when we protect our residents, foster safe communities and respect the work of law enforcement."


I thank the Florida Legislature for presenting me with a bill that upholds the rule of law and addresses sanctuary cities and counties in Florida. We are a stronger state when we protect our residents, foster safe communities and respect the work of law enforcement.


— Ron DeSantis (@GovRonDeSantis) May 2, 2019

The bill will require local law enforcement to honor federal authorities' immigration detainer requests, in which federal authorities ask local authorities to hold people they believe to be undocumented.


Florida's House of Representatives passed a version of the bill last week.


The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has called for people to not travel to Florida if the bill becomes law.


"If Florida State Bill 168 and House Bill 527 pass, it would undermine local governments’ ability to protect the civil rights of their residents by forcing local officials to cooperate with ICE. It would also put immigrants at risk of violence, potentially forcing victims and witnesses to stay silent for fear of deportation," the ACLU's Florida chapter said on its website.


"Both Florida residents, citizens and non-citizens, and travelers could face risks of being racially profiled and being detained without probable cause.



Anonymous ID: ffd927 May 3, 2019, 6:58 a.m. No.6401995   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The devil in the details. ANONS see how your DS msm still credits BHO….kek…..they really think we are this stupid!!!


==U.S. job growth surges; unemployment rate drops to 3.6 percent

Lucia Mutikani==


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. job growth surged in April and the unemployment rate dropped to a more than 49-year low of 3.6 percent, pointing to sustained strength in economic activity even as last year’s massive fiscal stimulus fades.


FILE PHOTO: Job seekers and recruiters gather at TechFair in Los Angeles, California, U.S. March 8, 2018. REUTERS/Monica Almeida -/File Photo

The Labor Department’s closely watched monthly employment report on Friday, however, showed steady wage gains last month, consistent with moderate inflation. The decline in the unemployment rate to the lowest level since December 1969 was because people left the labor force, suggesting some slack in the jobs market remains.


The report was broadly supportive of the Federal Reserve’s decision on Wednesday to keep interest rates unchanged and signal little desire to adjust monetary policy anytime soon. Fed Chair Jerome Powell described the economy and job growth as “a bit stronger than we anticipated” and inflation “somewhat weaker.”


“Employment gains are strong enough to dispel any immediate concerns over the health of the economy, while wage gains are not strong enough to force the Federal Reserve’s hand to tighten the policy stance,” said Harm Bandholz, chief U.S. economist at


UniCredit Research in New York.



Instant View: U.S. April job growth surges, unemployment at 3.6%

Nonfarm payrolls increased by 263,000 jobs last month, amid gains in hiring nearly across all sectors. The economy created 16,000 more jobs in February and March than previously reported. Economists polled by Reuters had forecast nonfarm payrolls rising by 185,000 jobs last month.


The strong economy, especially the labor market, could boost President Donald Trump’s re-election hopes next year. Trump has touted the economy as being one of the big wins of his first term in office. The economy will celebrate 10 years of expansion in July, the longest on record



Anonymous ID: ffd927 May 3, 2019, 7:26 a.m. No.6402146   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2161

ANONS, Is it just me or are we getting surrounded?


Pentagon warns on risk of Chinese submarines in Arctic


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Deepening Chinese activities in the Arctic region could pave the way for a strengthened military presence, including the deployment of submarines to act as deterrents against nuclear attack, the Pentagon said in a report released on Thursday.

The assessment is included in the U.S. military’s annual report to Congress on China’s armed forces and follows Beijing’s publication of its first official Arctic policy white paper in June.


In that paper, China outlined plans to develop shipping lanes opened up by global warming to form a “Polar Silk Road” - building on President Xi Jinping’s signature Belt and Road Initiative.


China, despite being a non-Arctic state, is increasingly active in the polar region and became an observer member of the Arctic Council in 2013. That has prompted concerns from Arctic states over Beijing’s long-term strategic objectives, including possible military deployments.


U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will attend the meeting of the eight-nation Arctic Council in Rovaniemi, Finland, starting on Monday, which comes amid concerns over China’s increased commercial interests in the Arctic.




China is becoming a rising power not only in consumer technology and artificial intelligence but also in Arctic military operations and nuclear submarine construction, according to a new report from the Pentagon.


“Arctic border countries have raised concerns about China’s expanding capabilities and interest in the region,” notes the report, “Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China 2019,” published today. Often called the “China Military Power” report, it’s required annually by Congress. This year, it highlights the country’s prowess in the Arctic. In 2018, China completed its ninth Arctic expedition last year, published its first Arctic strategy document, and launched its second icebreaker, the Xuelong 2. The ship, capable of breaking 1.5 meters of ice, is the first polar research vessel that “can break ice while moving forwards or backwards,” according to the report.


The warming Arctic might also cool, or at least complicate, Beijing’s budding friendship with Moscow.