Anonymous ID: 8d9750 May 3, 2019, 8:39 a.m. No.6402643   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2661 >>2675 >>2698




I can't access it to read what it says, maybe another anon? …..

Anonymous ID: 8d9750 May 3, 2019, 8:45 a.m. No.6402675   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Okay, so it’s not a straight up remake of “Karate Kid,” but the tale of Obama’s childhood years in Indonesia have been made into a movie with a plot that goes as follows:

American moves to Asia.

American gets picked on for being American.

American trains with Jackie Chan (or Jackie Chan stand-in) so he can fight back.

The only difference seems to be the effeminate, bike enthusiast hanging out with him and at the kids’ barbecues. Oh, and the growing up to be president (we’ll have to wait for the sequel to Jaden’s to see if that happens). Regardless, this movie exists and is being released in Indonesia today.

Anonymous ID: 8d9750 May 3, 2019, 8:55 a.m. No.6402748   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>But Manafort wasn't hired by the Trump campaign until 29 March of 2016, which almost 4 months later. How did the coup planner's know that Manafort would be hired?


hmmm…….could they have been…….what's the word?,………could they have been SPYING ON TRUMP?

Anonymous ID: 8d9750 May 3, 2019, 9 a.m. No.6402788   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2801




"Mr. Demantra rushed the film’s production to coincide with Obama’s June 17 visit to Jakarta. And like many here was sorely disappointed when the president canceled his trip – the third no-show in a year.


But what really matters, says Demantra, is the message the film sends. “The main purpose is to promote pluralism and hope. Obama is an icon of pluralism.”



Hussein = pluralism

Anonymous ID: 8d9750 May 3, 2019, 9:10 a.m. No.6402862   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2868 >>2907

The Mixed Martial Philosophy of Donald J. Trump


Is Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of the United States, a closet martial artist? He's certainly a patron of mixed martial arts and boxing, his favorite film is Bloodsport (watched on fast forward), and he makes Shaolin iron-palm hand gestures whenever he addresses a crowd. Trump… a martial artist? Gimme a break. Trump doesn't roll, he rips off. Trump doesn't grapple, he gropes. So sad, as The Donald himself might say. Yet even he would have to admit he wouldn't last 5 seconds in a cage with Chuck Norris and even Trump knows that there’s a big difference between fighting and deal making.

But while Trump might not be a martial artist, a striker or a grappler, he is definitely a “martialist,” someone who understands the Way (always with a capital W) of the warrior and applied much of the principles and philosophy of the Way to his own business and political career.

But hang on. Is the bizarrely coiffed erstwhile property tycoon and reality TV star, from now on the leader of the free world, a mixed martial philosopher? Think again. Forget the hairstyle, the louche reputation and the nightly flow of Tweeted insults. Could he be a secret disciple of the immortal Sun Tzu?

Anonymous ID: 8d9750 May 3, 2019, 9:16 a.m. No.6402907   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3006






Meanwhile, don’t try to argue with Trump. His counter-measures are straight out of Sun Tzu’s book. "If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. If sovereign and subject are in accord, put division between them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected."

Admittedly, Trump's apparent inability to read a book whole and entire, as famously noted by ghostwriter Tony Schwartz, makes him an unlikely student of an ancient Chinese philosopher. But think of those Shaolin type hand gestures, is that index finger nuclear tipped or is The Donald merely working up to a heart palm strike on a smug journalist from the elite press?

Now Trump is following the Way of the warrior as a warrior proper, not as a mere Wall Street version. Time and time again, the businessman outsider applied the cunning of Sun Tzu and won. What’s more, he’s gone one further than Sun Tzu. The Chinese philosopher was only a mere general. Trump is now the Commander-In-Chief of the most powerful military force in the world. Could he have gotten there without the fortune cookie philosophy? Perhaps. Will he be referring to Sun Tzu in times of crises? You betcha!

For Trump, the real Art of the Deal was the Presidency for the Steal. Forget Bret Easton Ellis’ American Psycho; forget Machiavelli’s Prince; Trump is a Sun Tzu warrior, with finishing touches of Friedrich Nietzsche’s Übermensch and George Orwell’s Big Brother. The real deal. But us dunderheaded fight fans need not worry about the prospect of impending dystopia. Trump is the first real President to be an investor in MMA, and though he might declare martial law, or do something equally scary down the line, he will never ban the fights. Or start World War Three (because that would get in the way of the fights, you see). This will be an interesting presidency for voters, fellow disciples of Sun Tzu and MMA fans everywhere. You have been warned.

Anonymous ID: 8d9750 May 3, 2019, 9:26 a.m. No.6402986   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Is Eric Holder giving the GO signal to Comey's tweet about his FBI Director interrupted?


Is he giving the GO to assassinate Barr? or Wray? or Trump?