Humane = "having or showing compassion or benevolence."
There is No way to Humanely Kill an innocent sentient being that does not want to die. You can not Humanely murder another person.
Our natural revulsion to the the Torture of Halal and Kosher slaughter should tell us something about our instincts. What is right, what is wrong: Dark to Light.
At what point when a child grows up do they decide to kill and dismember animals? Is that an instinct we all share, or is it a belief system we are taught to accept as necessary, normal, and natural?
We do not need to enslave, rape, and kill animals to survive. I myself ate animals for 29 years, but it's been 2.5 years without eating any animal Flesh or Secretions, and I'm as healthy as I've ever been. The nutritional science is well established, we can survive and thrive on a plant-based diet, so how do you Morally Justify killing animals at all?