Patriots have no skin color…or religion.
Beta seems to have the right attitude to fit in with the DC crowd.
>Very sorry, But Islam is incompatible with our Constitution and the American way of Life
It's one of the three abrahamic cults so it's not that different in the end. If Judaism is compatible then so is Islam. Strictly speaking one's religious beliefs shouldn't even be a factor in a system based on individual liberty.
>dont feel bad. Jesus wandered in the wilderness too.
Yeah in the middle east just like his Hebraic and Islamic cousins did.
Funny how White supremacy is a bad thing in White countries but anything but Black supremacy in Black countries is called apartheid and deemed evil.
>Especially in places with the midnight sun. Think about it. Heh.
So any place in the Arctic circle should be free of observant Muslims during ramadan.
That's OK since Michael does enough lifting for both of them.