If you read through this piece you will find information that a settlement was reached giving $101 million in an award after a child was maimed by Merck's MMR. How is is that certain families such as that of Hannah Poling can get compensated after vaccine injury but nearly all others get NOTHING? http://healthimpactnews.com/2019/fda-cover-up-new-data-obtained-shows-mmr-vaccine-approved-on-clinical-trials-of-only-342-children-half-suffered-side-effects/
Sometimes the curses work. I believe that man-made objects will not be tolerated in the sky at some point.
"What Doctors Don't Tell You" is one of my favorite print publications. It is UK based, but I had been able to find it here in the US in health food stores until a few months ago. I think they got "banned" due to telling too much truth, especially about vaccines, aluminum and Alzheimer's disease. Check out this headline from their on-line site. Pic related.
Remember Q said "Watch the water". In this case, a Flood.