March 10, 2018
Putin-Trump Begin Emergency Talks After Top US Nuclear Commander Disappears
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
An alarming new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and his American counterpart US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson (both of whom are on the African Continent, with Tillerson cancelling all events today) have established a secure communication channel enabling advisors of both President Putin and President Trump to maintain continuous contact while investigations are taking place into the whereabouts of US Navy Vice Admiral Charles Richard—who is the Deputy Commander of the United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) that controls Americas nuclear weapons in time of war—and who, for reasons unknown, has not had his presence accounted for in the past nearly 24 hours. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
According to this report, STRATCOM Deputy Commander Vice Admiral Charles Richard is one of the most hated and loathed officers in the US Navy due to his maniacal persecution of Seaman-Submariner Kristian Saucier during the 2016 US presidential election—with Saucier, as a crewman aboard the Los Angeles-class nuclear-powered attack submarine USS Alexandria (SSN-757), having committed the offense of inadvertently taking pictures to preserve his memory of service, but that, also, showed classified equipment.
For such an offense always handled-in-house by the US Navy’s normal chain of command, this report continues, Seaman-Submariner Saucier was, instead, caught up in the hyper-political 2016 US presidential campaign—and whom then candidate Trump rose to defend him by asking the American people why a lowly seaman was being prosecuted while Hillary Clinton was allowed to walk free from her crimes the Obama regime wouldn’t prosecute her for.
Siding with the Obama regime against Trump, this report details, then Rear Admiral Charles Richard outrageously told a US Federal Judge that Saucier’s inadvertent photographs “had far-reaching consequences for the United States and the officers, sailors and families who serve it”—and who was aided by a US Prosecutor demanding that Saucier be jailed for at least 6 years—but who only received a one year sentence—and upon whose sentencing, saw President Obama immediately promoting Rear Admiral Richard to Vice Admiral and making him Deputy Commander of STRATCOM.
In another blow delivered to the reputation and military judgment of STRATCOM Deputy Commander Vice Admiral Charles Richard, this report concludes, President Trump, within the past 24 hours, totally invalidated Vice Admiral Richard’s entire testimony before the US Federal Court by his granting a full pardon to Seaman-Submariner Kristian Saucier—which is, in fact, a total repudiation of Vice Admiral Richard that no military commander can long survive—and who, after his receiving notice of this pardon, has now mysteriously disappeared—with some fearing he may be suicidal—but still to be thought of is the always feared “Seven In Days May” movie scenario coming true.