>Just want to say as a Woman, that the Anon who was posting long ago that there are only men on the Internet is right on. We are all anonymous. It is a wonderful thing that being anonymous we CANNOT divide over all the stupid things they want us to divide over like gender, race, rank, etc. That said, I am proud to say that I have lived my life in resistance to the pushed, top down lie that women should be like men. I have instead embraced nurturing and my happiness is beyond anything that modern career women know. I love my strong men and will support them until the day I die!
Hear, Hear - me too!
Male and female are complementary to one another not in competition with one another. They are different physically, mentally and emotionally for a very good reason - they have different roles - and any refusal to acknowledge same should be accompanied by an immediate espousal of a level playing field in sports - men and women competing without regard to gender. Anything less is rank hypocrisy.