I'm quite certain Q is afraid of you, if he doesn't "deliver" whatever it is you are waiting for โฆ.
Please Please don't hurt Q.
I'm quite certain Q is afraid of you, if he doesn't "deliver" whatever it is you are waiting for โฆ.
Please Please don't hurt Q.
I've been here since October.
I musta missed something.
What dates and happenings did Q "put out" ?
Welp. I don't see Russia detaining American free speech advocates over criticism of goatfuckers.
So, yea, Russia over UK at this point.
>shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4).
Do we know that this didn't happen?
Where is Tony Pedosta?
Just because brother Skippy isn't behind bars, does that mean he hasn't been arrested?
>11.3 - Podesta indicted
>11.6 - Huma indicted
Do we know that these did not happen?
Where is Tony Pedosta?
Do you believe brother Skippy is going to tell you that he's been arrested?
Do you believe moozlum brotherhood sister Huma is going to tell you anything about her legal issues?
Just because we don't see things out in the open doesn't mean they aren't happening.
And that assurance comes straight from Q.
Now you're just making shit up.
Typical shariablew tactic.
Go back to sucking on lil Davey's micro-dick.
Training for helicopter emergency egress.
"Watch the water."
Trying to tell us what many here suspected?
NYC helo crash and, or importatnly, deaths are suspicious considering the training helo pilots receive for such emergency events?
I've read.
You have a 2nd grader's reading comprehension.
Fuck off back to Davey, concern shill.
Q posts are vague โฆ likely on purpose.
Anons (and shills) ascribe their own meaning to Q posts and begin to believe those meanings as fact.
>We are supposedly at war with elite vampire pedophiles running the world.
>If youre NOT concerned, youre not paying attention.
Obvious shariablew shill is obvious.
That was easy.
You idiots aren't very smart, are you?
>You've posted this 8 times or more, cut it the fuck out.
Classic concern shill.
They're sending their best.
Your concern is obvious and noted, shill.
You've posted this shit 8 times.
8 fucking times, the same concern.
FFS anon, you cant be this stupid.
>Does anybody know what they served for HRC's birthday party, October 26?
"SPOTTED at HILLARY CLINTONโS SURPRISE 70TH BIRTHDAY PARTY yesterday afternoon at Elizabeth Frawley Bagleyโs house in D.C. (Hillary was indeed surprised, and champagne, finger food and chocolate cake were served)"
www. politico.com/story/2017/10/30/spotted-at-hillary-clintons-surprise-birthday-party-244298
Or, more possibly, an indictment was served four days before on the Hillslag's birthday โฆ
Got it.
Hoping Tony took a lead sleeping pill.
Tony is MIA and brother Skippy twats in a very nervous, desperate style.
Not likely coincidence.
>Veteran Anons can spot em from a mile
Most of us who've been here more than 6 weeks can spot the shills at this point.
No originality.
Obviously scripted.
Some are blatant leftards that don't even understand how fucking stupid they are - which makes them obvious af.