>I'd also like to see some acceptance of Islam as a whole here from now on.
Assuming that you are NOT a shill and that you mean well, let me offer you some advice.
Starting a post like this regardless of the religious faith is not likely to go well for you.
Belief in, or at least, acceptance of another's exercise of their own "free will" is required for co-existence regardless of religious faith. Respect for individual Liberty was the magic catalyst that the founders of this great country used to bring together people with a rich diversity of religious beliefs under one nation. While many Americans have blindly taken their liberty for granted, there are other nationalities in the world that DO understand the importance of liberty over that of religious ideology and that is why many of them are here in this forum working with us today.
I personally welcome all who come here with a mutual respect for individual liberty, but please keep your religious beliefs to yourself.