I won't dis you because you're a retard, You can't help it, right?
But I will dis mohamedans for this self imposed mental handicap. This optional arrested development is incompatible with whichever other ideology or cult you care to choose.
It is a political ideology disguised as a religion rolled into a cult. It idolates a black stone but condemns idolatry. Crux of the bisquit is emulating a child molester and mass murderer who admitted being posessed by demons.
Have a look at "all the good" this ideological cancer has brought the peoples of Persia, Somalia, "Palestinians" and any other you care to inspect. Your utterances show a total lack of knowledge and insight in the matter or your affiliation to this most murderous of ideologies the world has ever seen (270 million dead in 1400 years and counting, eat that commies) or, possibly both at once.
The first commenter to your post hit it spot on, read and learn.