Anonymous ID: f30ebd May 3, 2019, 11:22 a.m. No.6403923   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4002



Hey Anons…


I've been here since the days on /pol but I do not recall any mention of Howard Hughes in Q posts or digs. For the life of me I can't figure out why.


I'm not a deep digger but I've collected info on Hughes and the CEO of his Nevada Operations for a while. I got interested years ago when I read a book by Michael Drosnin called Citizen Hughes which continues to tickle my almonds. Drosnin details how he met and bought the spoils of a heist of dozens of steamer trunks full of HH handwritten memos. Hughes didn't trust talking on phone or via the mail so he used personal couriers to communicate for him as his life became more reclusive. He would give them a memo and instructions to return with the written response and the original memo… which he diligently filed away along with bottles of his piss. Hughes main man was Robert Maheu…. discussed at length in this book.


Maheu held degrees from Holy Cross and Georgetown University. In 1941, during his law studies at Georgetown, he was hired by the FBI and worked as a counter-intelligence officer in Europe during World War II.


He left the FBI in 1947, becoming a self-employed business owner, consultant and investigator… but a dozen years later was 'officially' working for the CIA on projects like MK Ultra despite having already worked with the National Security Council.


According to Maheu associate John Gerrity, he and Maheu were summoned to Vice President Richard Nixon's office in 1954 at the behest of the National Security Council. Nixon gave Maheu a green light to employ a series of dirty tricks to wreck a pending agreement between Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis and the king of Saudi Arabia.


Maheu also led an attempt to whack Castro with Traficante and Giancana, was good friends with the Kennedys but was later alleged in conspiracy theory to be a second shooter of RFK… allegedly having recruited Sirhan Sirhan and trained him to carry out the plan.


Also… his investigative agency was the inspiration for the tv show Mission Impossible.


Hughes Manufacturing was involved in energy, military aircraft and Hollywood… at least one of his many mistresses was a 14 year old child when she became his 'slave'… one of many proclivities Hughes allegedly learned from an uncle when he was 15 years old.


In Drosnin's book he states Hughes was largely responsible for the fiasco that led to Watergate… but I don't know for sure. Hughes died in 76 and Maheu went on to be CEO of a Canadian diamond mining operation called CMKX traded in the pinks. The company eventually goes belly up amid the housing crisis nightmare of derivitives and market manipulation and a scandal involving naked short selling and all the other shit that makes penny stocks a bad investment idea.


I'm not sure what I'm looking for… but there's just too many connections to ignore.