End this captcha bullshit motherfuckers!
Behold, a triggered kike appears!
And look, another triggered kike. Lol.
Whats the point of it, niggerfaggot?
And yet we know that Q and Don Jr. and maybe even the President himself, came to /pol/, not the other way around.
No one likes everything on there, especially once the left invaded the place. But make no mistake, moron, they care what young and middle aged white males are talking about. They still read probably everything on both /pol/ sites.
You boomers are only worth a few more votes to anybody, but the US will be rebuilt by younger men.
Its an attempt to wake stupid boomers up. And barring that trigger your cucked asses.
Stupid Jew spotted.
I'm not going anywhere, niggerboomer.
More of same, nothing. No one of import, let alone real power is going to be arrested or even inconvenienced.
I've not lied to you yet and probably never will.
Dude, thats more than a little stupid.
No. Look up the statistics.