The so called JQ and the muhjoo shills persist - every type of response has been made to rid ourselves of this nuisance - no amount of facts, debunking, mockery, proven falshoods or any other tactic as put a dent in this phenomena, as a very dedicated and comprehensive effort persists - indeed increases as they lose control - via more corruption, FF and other events.
At the heart - however - this is easily explained by the 2 categories of persons involved in this effort: 2 categories that create and propagate anti-jew material and post it here on the board:
Category 1 - true believers that base their efforts on hate and blame of others for their own failures - primarily consisting (but not limited to) muslim and white superiority cult groups. This category are considered "useful idiots" by the next category, and that is accurate. Ironically, the 2nd category could never exist without the first.
Category 2 - these are the creators and purveyors of the hate and blame narrative but they are 100% aware it is false. Their motive is purely strategic and carefully calculated. The obvious goal is deflection of blame and responsibility for the corruption and evil they themselves thrive on. This group are the true cabal power brokers -0 as well documented it consists primarily of "bloodline famililes" real or not - that keep all their affairs in a broad group of "families" contolled by rewards and punishments, and ritualistic brainwashing.
They employ a massive army of paid agents and managers who are not part of the inner core but are subject to and participating in the system. Most of the "cabal" jews are in this category and they gladly accept and perpetuate the "jew control" narrative for the massive money and power they receive. The idea that 2% of the global population controls the entire resources and mechanisms of the world is laughably false - as is the idea that the Jews would voluntarily publicly publish the entire plot - yet this narrative is so engrained over centuries of repetition it still finds useful idiots to believe, repeat and act upon it.
When the GA is fully engaged (Israel saved for last) this narrative will be dead - forever - we can and should thank Jesus for that anticipated blessing.