Stumbled into an "Esoteric" curios and books shop. At one time I might have dismissed it as corny junk for superstitious nuts. Now I see that it's all Luciferian stuff. Owls and goat heads. Weird baby dolls and skulls. The collection of Aleister Crowley had its very own locked cabinet. Crystal balls and pentagrams.
But what was weirdest was how busy the place was. Full of clean-scrubbed middle-class hipsters. Because it's all so coooooool, right?
Which made me wonder how many people were in the local Christian bookstore. You know the ones that smell like mothballs? They're creepy too, actually, but it just underlined for me that God has to become "cool" again. I mean, why aren't people reading about the divine and the miracle of God and the mysteries of our divine nature. It's all very fascinating and people would love to discover that they have the power to change their world for the better.
Soon, I suppose. And by that point, that esoteric bookstore will probably be no more. Like, I'm not into burning books or nothin but when people find out the truth, I doubt that esoteric shop will be able to stay in business without bricks coming through the window. People will be so angry.