Have you wondered why the left can’t meme?
It is because the Greatest “Gung Fu” Component of ANY Meme…
Abides in the Truth it Conveys.
The Second Greatest is the Love it conveys,
because that needs Truth to be True Love,
which then leads to something Greater than
the sum of the parts.
Truth is not something the Left has much experience
with communicating, to the people they wish to control.
Hate is an additional handicap.
Pray. Dig. Share. Discuss. Pray. Meme.
Then Praise the Lord and Pass the Meme-unition!
“New moves” for the modern Army Of One:
Political Grace.
Intentional Unity.
Political Grace. The art of disagreeing well.
AND The Ultimate Countermeasure to those who would Divide!:
Intentional unity.
The Future of War and how it affects YOU Multi-Domain Operations
For your additional consideration, Michael Flynn, talking
about a civilian army of digital soldiers…
Citizen journalists…
And I’ll add…
Proper Meme-ing, with embedded Truth and Love Gung Fu.
Where We Go One, We Go All!