Devin Nunez is now calling the report Mueller gave Barr, the Mueller Dossier. This infers the report is full of half truths and outright lies just like the Steele Dossier that came before. Nunez is working to debunk the Mueller Dossier.
I support Nunez in this effort as volume one of the document paints a horrible picture of possible collusion/conspiracy and then suddenly says, without fully explaining why, there was none.
Volume two paints a bunch of horrible pictures of how Trump could have obstructed, but at the outset says they were not looking at the question in a traditional way (the proper legal way prosecutors are supposed to work). Volume two was built not as a legal document, but as a justification for impeachment and a setup for Barr when he rejects all the sketchy scenarios and decides the question as a professional lawyer and prosecutor should.
Nunez is correct to start deconstructing the Mueller Dossier. 95%+ is pure crapola!