How come no plane fags saw this flight? If this flight happens biweekly, shouldn't a plane fag recognize it?
How come no plane fags saw this flight? If this flight happens biweekly, shouldn't a plane fag recognize it?
Anon, at 53 sec mark the reporter said it was a flight from miami, not gitmo?
NOTABLEโฆI have a feeling that this plane crash is going to reveal a big ass happening. Thanks for that dig, anon.
People are traveling back and forth from Gitmo with their cats & dogs? WTF is going on at GITMO? Please keep digging, anon
Why are none of you full time shitposters talking about this 737 crash from Gitmo with 136-142 passengers on it including that fucked up bitch defence attorney? Q is shaking his fucking head off at you idiots right now. tighten up, anons.
EXCLUSIVE: Gitmo Terrorist Lawyer Cheryl Bormann Bragged About Nazi Relative Martin Bormann