Anonymous ID: ed25c2 May 4, 2019, 11:21 a.m. No.6413053   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3065 >>3068 >>3153

To the newfags:

The fact that you are here shows that you are a cut above the sheeple, at least in wanting to know the truth, and likely in IQ level. Some of you are leaving behind your programming and you may still have effect, especially with the jewish question. I don't expect to convince you with one post, but merely to present information. I start with one question: Can you previous cuckservative worldview explain the obvious contradiction of feminist support of muslims? How about the contradiction spewed from their own mouth that a burka is a symbol of oppression? No. Not convincingly.


Now consider the claims of those posting the truth about the jews:

  1. The sine qua non of modern talmud judaism is hatred of Christianity and Christian culture. Observe the slaughter of Christians whenever jew communists take over.

  2. Feminism was created by jews and is currently controlled by jewish controlled sjw departments in universities.

  3. The jewish plan for the remnants of Christian culture in Europe is extermination via the importation of muslims.


Research this. For example Barbara Specter, a jew living in Sweden, was recorded on video still available on Youtube telling people that jews would eliminate "European" culture, and that jews would be at the center of muslim immigration. This was BEFORE the muslim crisis. Watch it for yourself.


So if feminism is controlled by jews, and if the jewish goal is to overrun Europe with muslims, do you expect feminists to support or attack Islam? Verify it yourself.