WHERE WE GO ONE, WE GO ALL: Work together to get 100k signatures for #InternetBillOfRights!
We are currently at 17K+ signatures (3-12-18 9AM EST).
We want YOU to help us get an INTERNET BILL OF RIGHTS!
>The Gospel of the perfect tweet: The Kekistani Airforce Method
>Learn it and teach it to others
What is that Kekistani Airforce Method?
1) Primary Hashtags per Q's orders. ALWAYS USE THEM
#InternetBillOfRights #FreeTheInternet #Qanon
'2) Secondary hashtag: #FakeNews (Also: Q's orders)
2) Tertiary Hashtags: Anything you can think of to push the Great Awakening and 1) and 2)
#FakeNews is the Mother Of All Bombs. Use it as an attention grabber to drop your hashes.
LINK to Petition: https:// petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2
Tips to reach a large audience:
=>Use subjects that are currently in news narratives or โtrendingโ
=>Post on juwtoob comment sections
=>Post on jewtoob livestreams
=>Post on comment sections of (News) websites
=>Send Emails to all your contacts
=>Follow back and RT
=>Check your spelling and do not use the wrong hashtags. Cabal keeps making new hashes that are 1 or 2 letters different to throttle us.
=>Check if you are shadowbanned HERE: http:// shadowban.de/tester/ if you are, make screenshots and use it to show the importance of an #InternetBillOfRights
=>Pull at the heart strings or use HUMOR in tweets.
=>Ask your followers to send their BEST tweet directly @you and RT it.
=>Pin your best tweet to your profile: it will be the 1st thing others see and retweet.
=>Go to popular twat accounts (?GEOTUS) and ask positive commenters to join
=>Send a personal thank you to a retweeter
=>Search new #Qanons and RT their best tweets (and follow them)
=>Make your tweet look nice and to the point.
=>Add and interesting to tweet: Video's, newsarticles etc.
=>Always add a MEME
=>Make your twat profile look nice (use pix) and text.
=>Always add @POTUS or @realDonaldTrump to your tweet. This way, twitter can not block your tweet.
=>Internet censorship is not a PARTISAN ISSUE. (Also) make tweets aimed directly at other audiences, both in text or in meme.
General flows FAST and is chaotic. That's why general fags are so magical. War Room Fags post the current graphs on general threads and remind the bakers to add them to the dough. Eurotw_tf@g is in Europe, so US War Room anons, pls make sure General stays informed when Europe is asleep.
>NOTE 1:
Q: Spread the news that MSM is not reporting
Q: Push #InternetBillOfRights and stick with it
Q: push #FakeNews and show examples
>NOTE 2:
There is no โiโ in โTEAMโ. We need to stick with the program, EVEN THOUGH the IBOR2 text is not perfect. That is NOT THE POINT. The cabal is scared out of their wits ever since we started pushing this. So we push
>NOTE 3:
War Room is getting a lot of: sliders, clowns, depresso shills, opinion fags, emoshills, parrot bots and even plain old assholes. We are honored! If we are getting FLACK, we must be over the target.
>NOTE 4:
All anons are asked not to reply to the vermin mentioned under Note 3. If you are not sure if the poster is a real person, do not reply directly.
<NOTE 5:
War Room is responsible for making stats and graphs and keep General motivated.
We need to operate as ONE. No arguments.
It doesn't matter which hashes are used. As long as we make em TREND.
We did good, but we can do MUCH MUCH better.
[g]raph [p]roves [r]esult.
We will do our best to inform ALL anons. TY WRL2HU.
Where we go one, we go all.
Stay On Target, like each other's tweets, and RETWEET
Try a burner phone/Email Adds & Phone Auth
10 Minute Mail 10minutemail.com
try Twitterfall.com to see how far your tweets go.
Hashtag Trackers hashtags.org updates on the hour | trends24.in | tweeplers.com/hashtags/?cc=US