I've been toying around with how to boost morale around here and I had the idea of let's copy the military a bit in this respect. The planefags and their 1st recon badge is awesome. It shows purpose and gives respect once someone sees it. We know that we are mere faggots compared to the skills some plane fags have in discerning routes, possible motives of flight, monitoring for drillls and scheduled important days realtive to air activity, and of course watching for false flags, attacks on our country, and other anomalies. I've been thinking we could make some morale boosting meme's for certain activities needing to be done.
Those activities could be Pathfinder's = Make the map crew. Then you have Diggers with research. I have made a meme for this actually although it is just an amateur level with stolen pepe. Again, we could have our psyop/intelligence/spreading the word branch. Our chaplain branch or those wishing to help others spiritually, et cetera. You get where I'm going with this. Although it borders fame fagging and the like I believe it could help. We also need guides for each major activity required to help here.
We need to be able to teach people how to dig properly! We need to show them alternative search engines and specialty search engines. How to find out personal information that is available online legally. Just straight up how to traverse the internet and being able to dig beyond a jewgle search, which I believe is probably 50% of the digging quality being done around here.
We need intelligence and psyops division to be able to show us how to effectively get our message to the masses. That is basically what is being done now with these threads but you get my point, The guides to tweeting effectively and tweet methods is the kind of stuff i am talking about. Good stuffs.
Anyway, memefags here is my work. I was hoping to put a shovel in there somewhere but im garbage tier at doing image stuff.