Red Pill in your own language with your own
people, or red pill Americans from your country.
I'm sure they miss the language and would
appreciate your words.
I suppose find nice simple meme or some good soft red pill with evidence, links, pics,
vids, etc. Then translate them for ur audience.
Start real simple first.
With practice, soon ur messages will get
" What's the top priority now?"
Push 3 hash, 1 is a new hash:
Push petition, ask them to sign and ask them
to get others to sign.
https:// petitions.whitehouse.__gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2
That's it.
Then you can pepper in personal goals.
Like mine today is to encourage ppl to vote
Rick Saccone because Trump supported him.
Tomorow RICK vote over, so new personal
focus but at same time follow main orders
which is 3 hash/petition.
Sometimes others need a lil help, might not
be your personal or main goals, but a simple
quick twt might go a long way to help their
goal. Sometimes just seeing a bit more
success and having some help really boost
a person's moral.
But stay as close as you can to main goals.
In this way, our effort is focused and when
focused we are like a beam of LIGHT.